


name = Escuela Agrícola Panamericana
established =1941
type =Private, Co-ed
endowment =$42 million
staff =?
president =Kenneth Hoadley
students =900+
undergrad =900+
alumni =5000+
postgrad =Does not offer postgraduate studies
city =El Zamorano
state =Francisco Morazán
country =Honduras
campus =Rural 70 km²
website = []
logo =

The Zamorano Pan-American School of Agriculture ( _es. Escuela Agrícola Panamericana Zamorano), generally known as "El Zamorano" or "Zamorano", is a private, coeducational university located in the valley of the Yeguare river, Honduras. El Zamorano's main focus is agricultural and there are four different programs to choose from in the school. Enrollment stands at more than 1000 students. It is currently registered in Delaware as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Zamorano is host to students from diverse countries (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Paraguay, México and more).


The school was founded in 1941 by Samuel Zemurray (1877-1961) a Russian born American and president of the United Fruit Company. Mr. Zemurray set out to create a high quality agricultural education center, devoted to the training of youth from throughout the region. To carry out this dream, he recruited Dr. Wilson Popenoe, a renowned botanist and horticulturist of the time who had extensive experience in the region, and had already organized the famous Lancetilla Botanical Gardens in Honduras.

Popenoe traveled for several weeks in 1941, exploring the Central American highlands to develop the project. He finally chose an estate of approximately 15 km² in the valley of the Yeguare, some 30 kilometers from the Honduran capital. The name Zamorano is that of the family from the province of Zamora, Spain that originally owned the estate.

Construction of the school began in late 1941. Dr. Popenoe became the Founding Director of the new institution and held that post until 1957. Since then, the small school has grown to become what is today a university center of excellence serving the Americas.


* [ Agribusiness Administration]
* [ Food Agroindustry]
* [ Agricultural Science and Production]
* [ Socioeconomic Development and Environment]


The university is located on a large campus of great natural beauty, colorful gardens and quite singular architecture. The entire property lies on some 70 km², including natural forests and two micro basins, large productive areas, many places for recreation and various buildings. There are green areas, paths and lagoons harboring numerous wild species that have found natural shelter on the Zamorano campus. Many are migrating birds that share our spaces during certain times of the year.

Zamorano has many areas/spots that are host to species that are both native to the region and exotic from all over the tropical world. Thanks to its long and distinguished tradition in biological science research, Zamorano currently has one of the largest herbaria in Latin America. The Paul Standley Herbarium hosts close to 300,000 classified specimens from Meso-America that are available to the students. Its collection of pests and beneficial insects is also in the neighborhood of 200,000 specimens. Many are the result of research done by Zamorano's specialists and the contributions of its students.

The campus is home to more than 1000 resident students on the campus eleven months of every year. An area of 200,000 m² is set aside for student dorms. An area of 70,000 m² is used for various aspects by the students is depen of the students.


Zamorano has one main library, the Wilson Popenoe Library. This library has a diverse collection of books for the education of the students and scientific research. It has over 18,000 specialized books, 6,500 technical brochures, access to online databases worldwide, digital documents and a considerable number of magazines.

The library services is mainly for professors and students living in the campus and can be accessed by outsiders through permission granted by the librarian Hugo Gallo.


* La Zeta, the university's student-run newspaper was published until few years ago with a weekly edition. Some efforts have been made to bring it back but it has not been achieved yet.
* The Annual Report is the report, published yearly and focused on the activities for that year. It shows a brief the description of the activities that Zamorano has realized in all the year. [ Annual Report]
* The Class Profiles is the university's yearbook, published yearly and focused on the senior class for that year. It shows a brief profile of the graduating seniors, their interest, their projects and related experience.

University Enterprises

The university enterprises are the university’s production, processing and marketing units, where the students learn by doing. Working in the enterprises is an integral part for the formation of each student and takes up about half of their time. The enterprises provide the physical resources and the right environment where the student develops skills and knowledge that prepare them for their future careers.The University Enterprises are living labs where the students face what has been learned in the classroom and confront it with the real world and in doing so improve their learning process.The University Enterprises are distributed into three main groups: agriculture, animal husbandry and processing plants. There is also a marketing and sales unit in which students are actively involved, interacting with customers and the market.The agriculture group is made up of the agricultural units for horticulture, orchards, forestry and grains and seed.The animal husbandry group includes livestock units in dairy and beef cattle, swine production and a support unit in agricultural machinery and irrigation. The processing plants group consists of plants for processing dairy and meat products, animal feeds, seed production, fruit and horticultural products, post-harvest care of horticultural products and a sawmill.Each business unit is managed by means of an agribusiness plan and agro-budget so that operations are handled as a company with financial and educational goals.

In the World

Many Zamorano alumni have achieved important roles within governments, NGO's, non-profit organizations, universities, and large multi-national companies. Some of the famous alumni include: Marcel Laniado (Ecuador '49), Jose Antonio Molina (Honduras '46), Mario Nufio Gamero (Honduras '55), Jose M. Cordero (Dominican Republic '67), and others.

Alumni Organizations

* [ AGEAP]
* [ Zamogators ]
* [ Zamorano Agricultural Society ]

External links

* [ Escuela Agrícola Panamericana - Official website]

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