John R. Lukacs

John R. Lukacs

John R. Lukacs (born March 1, 1947) is an American anthropologist. He holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University where he was a student of Kenneth A.R. Kennedy. He received his PhD in 1977. Dr. Lukacs is a professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Oregon in Eugene.

His research focuses on physical anthropology, dental evolution, paleopathology and dental anthropology. He has worked extensively on health and human adaptation in the prehistory of South Asia. Much of this work focuses on odontometrics, dental morphology, development, and pathology. He has also performed dental anthropological analyses on hominin ancestors and non-human primates, particularly concerning an enamel defect named Localized Hypoplasia of the Primary Canines (or LHPC).

Incomplete list of publications

* (editor) The People of South Asia (Plenum Press, 1984)

* (editor) Culture, Ecology and Dental Anthropology (Kamla Raj, 1992).

(1976). Dental anthropology and the biological affinities of an Iron Age population from Pomparippu Sri Lanka. Ecological backgrounds of South Asian prehistory: 197-215: ill. (1978). Bio-cultural interaction in prehistoric India: culture, ecology and the pattern of dental disease in neolithic-chalcolithic populations. American studies in the anthropology of India (1980). The Apegaon Mandible: Morphology and Pathology. Bulletin Deccan College Research Institute 40: 88-95. (1981). Crown dimensions of deciduous teeth from prehistoric India. [American journal of physical anthropology] 55: 261-266. (1981). Dental Anthropology and Nutritional Patterns of South Asian Megalithic Builders: The Evidence from Iron Age Mahurjhari. [American Philosophical Society Proceedings] 125(3): 220-237. (1982). Dental disease, dietary patterns and subsistence at Harappa and Mohenjodaro. in Harappan civilization. (1983). Human dental remains from early Neolithic levels at Mehrgarh, Baluchistan. [Current anthropology] 24: 390-392. (1983). Dental anthropology and the origins of two Iron Age populations from northern Pakistan. [Homo] 34(1): 1-15. (1985). Tooth size variation in prehistoric India. [American anthropologist] 87: 811-825. (1987). Biological relationships derived from morphology of permanent teeth: recent evidence from prehistoric India. [Anthropologischer Anzeiger] 45(2): 97-116. (1990). Harappan dentition. Pakistan Archaeology 25: 315-332. (1991). Localized enamel hypoplasia of human deciduous canine teeth: prevalence and pattern of expression in rural Pakistan. [Human Biology] 63(4): 513-522. (1992). Dental paleopathology and agricultural intensification in South Asia: New evidence from Bronze Age Harappa. [American Journal of Physical Anthropology] . 87:133-150.

(1992). Dental paleopathology and agricultural intensification in South Asia: new evidence from Bronze Age Harappa. [American Journal of Physical Anthropology] 87(2): 133-150. (1995). 'Caries correction factor': a new method of calibrating dental caries rates to compensate for antemortem loss of teeth. [International Journal of Osteoarchaeology] 5(2): 151-156. (1996). Sex differences in dental caries rates with the origin of agriculture in South Asia. [Current Anthropology] 37(1): 147-153. (1997). New frontiers in dental anthropology: creative approaches to diet and stress in prehistory. [Biological Anthropology: the State of the Science] . (1998). Physiological Stress in Prehistoric India: New Data on Localized Hypoplasia of Primary Canines Linked to Climate and Subsistence Change. [Journal of Archaeological Science] 25: 571-585. (1999). Interproximal contact hypoplasia in primary teeth: a new enamel defect with anthropological and clinical relevance. [American Journal of Human Biology] 11(6): 718-734. (1999). Enamel hypoplasia in deciduous teeth of great apes: do differences in defect prevalence imply differential levels of physiological stress? [American Journal of Physical Anthropology] 110(3): 351-363. (2001). Enamel hypoplasia in the deciduous teeth of great apes: variation in prevalence and timing of defects. [American Journal of Physical Anthropology] 116(3): 199-208. (2001). Enamel hypoplasia in the deciduous teeth of early Miocene catarrhines: evidence of perinatal physiological stress. [Journal of Human Evolution] 40(4): 319-329. (2002). Hunting and gathering strategies in prehistoric India : a biocultural perspective on trade and subsistence. [Forager traders in South and Southeast Asia : long term histories] .

Co-Authored Papers

Lukacs, J. R. and G. L. Badam (1981). Paleodemography of post-Harappan Inamgaon: a preliminary report. Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 16(1): 59-74. Lukacs, J. R., M. R. Joshi, et al. (1983). Crown dimensions of deciduous teeth of prehistoric and living populations of western India. [American journal of physical anthropology] 61: 383-387.

Lukacs, J. R. and S. R. Walimbe (1984). Deciduous dental morphology and the biological affinities of a late Chalcolithic skeletal series from western India. [American journal of physical anthropology] 65: 23-30.

Lukacs, J. R. and S. R. Walimbe (1986). Excavations at Inamgaon, Volume II: The Physical Anthropology of Human Skeletal Remains, part I An Osteobiographic Analysis. Pune, Deccan College Post-graduate Research Institute.

Lukacs, J. R., R. K. Bogorad, et al. (1986). Paleopathology at Inamgaon: A Post-Harappan Agrarian Village in Western India. [American Philosophy Society Proceedings] 130(3): 289-311.

Lukacs, J. R. and R. F. Pastor (1988). "Activity-induced patterns of dental abrasion in prehistoric Pakistan: evidence from Mehrgarh and Harappa." [American journal of physical anthropology] 76: 377-398.

Lukacs, J. R. and L. L. Minderman (1989). Dental pathology and agricultural intensification from Neolithic to Chalcolithic periods at Mehrgarh (Baluchistan, Pakistan). South Asian Archaeology: 14.

Hemphill, B.E. and J.R. Lukacs (1991). Hegelian logic and the Harappan civilization: an investigation of Harappan biological affinities in light of recent biological and archaeological research. [South Asian Archaeology] : 11.

Walimbe, S. R. and J. R. Lukacs (1992). Dental Pathology at the Origins of Agriculture: Evidence from Chalcolithic Population of the Deccan Plateau. Culture, Ecology and Dental Anthropology. J. R. Lukacs. Delhi, Kamala Raj Enterprises.

Lukacs, J. R. and J. N. Pal (1992). Dental anthropology of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers: a preliminary report on the Mahadaha and Sarai Nahar Rai dentition. Man and Environment 17(2): 45-55.

Hemphill, B.E. and J.R. Lukacs (1992). Odontometric variation in north west India: biologic interrelationships among Bhils, Garasia and Rajputs. Indian Journal of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics 18(1-2): 1-48.

Lukacs, J. R. and B. E. Hemphill (1993). Odontometry and biological affinity in South Asia: analysis of three ethnic groups from northwest India. [Human Biology] 65(2): 279-325.

Lukacs, J.R. and J.N. Pal (1993). Mesolithic subsistence in North India: inferences from dental attributes. [Current Anthropology] . 34(5):745-765.

Guatelli-Steinberg, D. and J.R. Lukacs(1998). Preferential expression of linear enamel hypoplasia on the sectorial premolars of Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). [American Journal of Physical Anthropology] 107: 179-186.

Lukacs, J. R. and S. R. Walimbe (1998). Physiological stress in prehistoric India: new data on localized hypoplasia of primary canines linked to climate and subsistence change. [Journal of Archaeological Science] 25(6): 571-585.

Guatelli-Steinberg, D. and J.R. Lukacs (1999). Interpreting sex differences in enamel hypoplasia in human and non-human primates: developmental, environmental, and cultural considerations. [Yearbook of Physical Anthropology] 42: 73-126.(with D. Guatelli-Steinberg)

Hemphill, B.E. and J.R. Lukacs (2000). Ethnic identity, biological history and dental morphology : evaluating the indigenous status of Maharashtra's Mahars. [Antiquity] 74(285): 671-681.

Lukacs, J. R., G. C. Nelson, S.R. Walimbe (2001). Enamel hypoplasia and childhood stress in prehistory: new data from India and southwest Asia. [Journal of Archaeological Science] 28(11): 1159-1169.

Lukacs, J. R., S. R. Walimbe, et al. (2001). Epidemiology of enamel hypoplasia in deciduous teeth: explaining variation in prevalence in western India. [American Journal of Human Biology] 13(6): 788-807.

Lukacs, J. R. and C. Rodríguez Martín (2002). Lingual cortical mandibular defects (Stafne's defect) : an anthropological approach based on prehistoric skeletons from the Canary Islands. International journal of osteoarchaeology 12(2): 112-126.

Lukacs, J. R. and J. N. Pal (2003). Skeleton variation among Mesolithic people of the Ganga Plains : new evidence of habitual activity and adaptation to climate. [Asian perspectives] 42(2): 329-351.

Lukacs, J. R. and Largaespada, L. (2006). Explaining sex differences in dental caries prevalence : saliva, hormones, and "life-history" etiologies. [American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Counci] l 18(4): 540-555.

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