Tanfoglio Force

Tanfoglio Force

The Tanfoglio Force, also known as TZ-75, is a modified clone of the Czech CZ-75 pistol. It is made in Italy by Tanfoglio, and imported to the USA by European American Armory (EAA) and called the Witness.

Significant Differences from Original

The biggest difference between the Force and the CZ-75 is chamberings; while the CZ-75 is available in 9 mm Luger, .40 S&W, and .22 LR (in its Kadet model), the Force is unique in its ability to interchange calibers rapidly between 9 mm Luger, .38 Super Auto, .40 S&W, .45 ACP, .22 LR and 10 mm Auto.

Physical Characteristics

The pistol is available in four basic forms, both high strength steel and polymer variants of both standard and compact sizes, in both military blued finish or polished "Wonder" finish (for the steel variants).

The pistol features a combat "switch" style single sided or ambidextrous safety, double and single actions and high capacity "double stack" magazine. Physically it is nearly identical to the CZ-75, save for small details.

It is also one of the few production pistols still available in 10mm and is thus very similar to the "Bren Ten".

The capacity of the pistols vary from caliber to caliber, but in 9mm, 10mm, and .38 SA, the TZ-75 Combat (Full-size) will load 15+1 rounds in its double stack magazine. In .45, 10+1 rounds are carried, but to convert between calibers requires only the removal and installation of the appropriate barrel/slide/spring group and the insertion of the caliber correct magazine. This enables a user to switch from .38 or 9mm to .45 ACP in literally seconds, allowing European shooters the flexibility of several calibers on one "registered" lower receiver.

Due to its larger magazine width, the pistol is somewhat uncomfortable for shooters with smaller hands, but with aftermarket grips can be made to be as thin as the M1911 while carrying an extra 3 rounds in .45 ACP. Also, the steel versions are somewhat heavier than their composite counterparts and competition, such as Heckler & Koch and Glock. Accuracy varies but out of box the TZ-75 types are similar in accuracy to other semi-auto pistols costing hundreds of dollars more. Also there are accurized variants such as the Gold, Gold Match, Limited & Combat Sport versions (also known as Witness Elite in the US).

Some firearms enthusiasts consider the Tanfoglio Force chambered in 10 mm Auto the "natural" heir of the famous Bren Ten pistol. Both handguns are based on a beefed up CZ-75 platform and are close in appearance and size.

Other Issues

Due to the limited number of US imported pistols and popularity, the pistol - while an inexpensive semi-auto to buy - is difficult to purchase parts for as most parts (such as magazines or conversion kits) are only available through EAA.

External links

* [http://www.tanfoglio.it/tanfoglio.php?lingua=uk Tanfoglio website]
* [http://eaacorp.com/ European American Armory Corporation website]

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