HMS Arethusa (F38)

HMS Arethusa (F38)

HMS "Arethusa" (F38) was a "Leander"-class frigate of the Royal Navy (RN). She was, like the rest of the Leanders, named after a figure of mythology. "Arethusa" was built by J.S. White & Company Shipbuilders of Cowes. "Arethusa" was launched on the 5th November 1963 and commissioned on the 24th November 1965.

In 1966, "Arethusa" deployed to the Mediterranean. In 1967 "Arethusa" was deployed as West Indies Guard Ship. Along with HMS "Hampshire" visited Washington DC, Fort Lauderdale, San Francisco, San Diego, Valparaiso, Callao, Falkland Islands, Montevideo, and Rio. "Arethusa" was guard ship for the hand-over of independence to British Guiana.

In 1970, "Arethusa" deployed to the Far East and while there, helped escort HM the Queen and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh on their South East Asian tour. In 1972, "Arethusa" undertook a Beira Patrol which was designed to prevent oil reaching the landlocked country of Rhodesia via the then Portuguese colony of Mozambique. The following year, "Arethusa" undertook a Fishery Protection Patrol during the Second Cod War, and during that patrol was rammed by the Icelandic gunboat "Odin".

Later that year, "Arethusa" began her modernisation which included the removal of her one twin 4.5-in gun, with the Ikara anti-submarine warfare (ASW) missile system taking its place. The modernisation was completed in April 1977. In that same year, "Arethusa", like many Leanders, took part in the Royal Navy's last Fleet Review so far, in celebration of HM the Queen's Silver Jubilee. "Arethusa" was positioned in the middle of HM ships "Cleopatra" and HMS "Arrow". In 1979, "Arethusa" deployed to the Far East and Pacific.

In 1980 "Arethusa" underwent a refit that was completed the following year. She then joined Standing Naval Force Atlantic (STANAVFORLANT), a NATO multi-national squadron, a squadron that "Arethusa" saw much service in. In 1985, "Arethusa" was fitted with the towed array sonar. On the 4th April 1989, at Portsmouth, "Arethusa" decommissioned. She was eventually sunk as a target in 1991.

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