Fuss Pot

Fuss Pot

Fuss Pot was originally a comic strip in the UK comic Knockout. It made its first appearance in Issue 1, dated 12 June 1971. The strip was about a girl with a pointy nose of the same name, who fussed about everything and everyone in her path. At one stage the full title was: "Fuss Pot, the Fussiest Girl of the Lot!"

Fuss Pot joined Whizzer and Chips in 1973 after Knockout merged with it and became a Chip-ite. She then joined Buster in 1990 after Whizzer and Chips merged with that. Through the medium of reprints, the strip stayed with Buster until the end.

Although the strip was mainly drawn by Norman Mansbridge, replaced in the 1990s by Trevor Metcalfe whose strips introduced Fuss Pot's cousin "Scruff Pot". Artist Jack Edward Oliver included Fuss Pot on the last page of Buster's final issue, revealing how all the characters in the comic came to an end. Fuss Pot's excuse was that she was too fussy to appear in the comic.

Fuss pot is also a common term used today to describe someone who is in a angry state. For example, Jessica knows that shane is angry, she exclaims that, "Shane is being a fuss pot today"

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  • fuss-pot —    Used to a person who fusses overmuch about trifling matters. With ‘fuss pot’ one may compare ‘bigpot’, ‘swankpot’, ‘stink pot’. etc., terms mainly used by children. ‘You old fuss pot’ is spoken by one woman to another in Rebecca, by Daphne du… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

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  • fuss-budget —    Used to a person who fusses overmuch about trifling matters. With ‘fuss pot’ one may compare ‘bigpot’, ‘swankpot’, ‘stink pot’. etc., terms mainly used by children. ‘You old fuss pot’ is spoken by one woman to another in Rebecca, by Daphne du… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

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