Attila Hörbiger

Attila Hörbiger

Attila Hörbiger (April 21, 1896 in Budapest, Hungary (Austria-Hungary), - April 27, 1987 in Vienna, Austria) was a famous Austrian stage and movie actor.

He played in several German and Austrian movies alongside with his wife Paula Wessely whom he had married in 1935. With her he had three actress daughters, Elisabeth Orth (b.1936), Christiane Hörbiger (b.1938) and Maresa Hörbiger (b.1945).

Attila Hörbiger also played with his wife Paula Wessely in the antisemitic propaganda film "Heimkehr" ("Homecoming") of 1941).

Hörbiger died at the age of 91 following a bad stroke in Vienna, where he is also buried.


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