test data — Data used by an auditor in computer processing to check the operation of an organization s computer programs. The main use of test data is in conducting compliance tests on application controls; for example, to check that batch totals are being… … Accounting dictionary
test data — bandymo duomenys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. test data vok. Prüfungswerte, m rus. данные испытания pranc. données de test, f; données d essais, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
test data — bandymų duomenys statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Per bandymus registruojamos objekto charakteristikų, bandymo sąlygų ir kitų parametrų vertės kaip pradiniai duomenys tolesniam dorojimui. atitikmenys: angl. test data… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Test data exclusivity — refers to protection of clinical test data required to be submitted to a regulatory agency to prove safety and efficacy of a new drug, and prevention of generic drug manufacturers from relying on this data in their own applications.… … Wikipedia
test data — data fed into a computer in order to check the accuracy of a program … English contemporary dictionary
test data — 1. A *sample of *data used in an *audit test. 2. Simulated *data and transactions used in the *compliance testing of computer *application controls. See also *computer assisted auditing techniques … Auditor's dictionary
test data generator — Communications instructions that create data to tests the adequate operation of a system … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Standard Test Data Format — (STDF) is a proprietary file format for semiconductor test information originally developed by Teradyne, but now widely used de facto throughout the semiconductor industry. It is a commonly used format produced by Automatic Test Equipment (ATE)… … Wikipedia
Standard Test Data Format — (STDF) est un format de fichier propriétaire destiné à contenir des informations de test pour l industrie des semiconducteurs. Une fois les fichiers générés, ces derniers sont interprétés par un logiciel permettant de réaliser diverses analyses… … Wikipédia en Français
Standard Test Data Format — STDF Standard Test Data Format STDF ist ein record orientiertes, binäres Datenformat zum Speichern von Messdaten in der ATE Branche. Entwickelt wurde das Datenformat von Teradyne, es wird aber von vielen Testsystemherstellern unterstützt.… … Deutsch Wikipedia