Alfred Wise

Alfred Wise

Alfred Roy Wise (1901 – 21 August 1974) was a British Conservative Party politician.

He was elected to the House of Commons at the 1931 general election as Member of Parliament (MP) for Smethwick, holding the seat until his defeat in the Labour landslide at the 1945 general election. He returned to the House of Commons at the 1959 general election as MP for Rugby, winning the seat from the sitting Labour MP James Johnson with a majority of only 407. [ [ Not updated: UK General Election results: October 1959 ] ]

Wise was re-elected at the 1964 election with a slightly increased majority of 1,689. However, at the 1966 general election he lost the seat to the Labour candidate, William Price by a margin of only 409 votes. [ [ Not updated: UK General Election results: March 1966 ] ]


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