Art Research Center

Art Research Center

Art Research Center was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1964 by constructivist artist Michael Stephens.

ARC grew out of the new center u.s. art cooperative gallery which was dissolved in 1964 when the original idea for ARC was conceived. The founders of this gallery were part of an “abstract” segment of the 15 artists in the co-op. Their background and impetus was partially influenced by the Bauhaus and moholy-nagy and the new Bauhaus in Chicago.

International exhibits focused on multi-disciplinary experiments in constructive arts, exploring the relationship between art, science and technology and expositing issues of sensory perception with aesthetic structures.

ARC Timeline and Exhibits

ARC Artists and Associates

*Andreas Weininger
*Arthur Evans
*Bart Schoales
*Bill Cozad
*Bob McConchie
*Bob Columb
*Bobby Scroggins
*Carlos Setien
*Catherine Emily
*Chris Rexroad
*Dale Eldred [ obituary]
*Dave Peeples
*David Barr
*David Staudacher
*David Desmond
*David Garrison
*Denise Childers
*Dennis Sanders
*Dorothy Moss
*Douglas Freed []
*Duane Benton
*Eleanor Feik
*Elizabeth Willmot
*Essex Garner []
*Eliot Gage
*Francois Morellet
*Frank Millich
*Gary Rice – computer programmer
*Harold Chase
*Jay Heuser
*Jaya Dumas Kern
*Jay Mandeville - writer
*John F. Abbick
*John Baird - 3-D photographer [ obituary] [ images]
*John Brees Thogmortin -- architect
*Joseph Ziegler
*Katherine VanVoorst
*Kathryn Howard
*Ken Berger
*Ken Gray
*Kevin Kissinger []
*Kevin Whelan
*Larry Alton
*Larry Bowser
*Laurence Booth - architect []
*Michael Zagalik
*Milton Smith
*Lee Clark
*Nancy A. Stephens
*Norton Nelkin []
*Pamela Gustavson Johnson
*Patricia Shubert
*Patrick Manley
*Perrin Blackman
*Peter Clapp (Boston)
*Philip J. Van Voorst
*Richard Murphy
*Robert Blackman
*Robert Scagliotti
*Ron Roberts
*Samella Gates
*Stephen Black
*Steve Collins
*Steve Conard
*Sue Scott
*Stanley Tigerman – Architect, Chicago Ill
*Thomas Michael Stephens
*Ted Otteson
*Tom North
*Tony Lecaiso
*Vincent Roark [ Exhibit in New York 2002] [ obituary source]
*Virginia Hillix [ Obituary]
*W Clayton Bodenhamer
*Wayne Yocky
*Will Elton
*Willi Ottremba
*Wildred Arnold
*William Peterson
*William Westerman
*Yvonne Ellsworth
*Zbiginew Blazieje – Toronto, Ontario multi-media artist

Miscellaneous Stories and Anectdotes

The ARC Welders

The Art Research Center often recruited artists and musicians to participate in live music concerts. These concerts included improvised ensemble works by the "ARC Welders". The ARC Welders in general, consisted of the musicians who happened to be participating in any given event.

At least one of the ARC Welders concerts received favorable reviews from "The Kansas City Star".

Former ARC Welders and others involved with the Art Research Center

*Kevin Kissinger, electronic musician

art research center- was created in 1967 by tm Stephens/nancy a. Stephens and jon brees thogmartin. john f.abbick/norton nelkin/ Phillip van voorst/ harry chase/ peter clapp/ David garrison/joseph ziegler and others i shamefully cannot remember, came as time passed. in 1969 art research center participated in new tendency exhibit & symposium in zagreb, Yugoslavia.Nancy/Thomas & jon took 7 works to zagreb. they participated in symposium and museum exhibit.the group also had a show at anonima gallery nyc. 68/69. they had numerous shows in and around the country during the 60's thru 80's. never well funded but sincere in belief and conviction. we all had our own agenda but all believed in new approaches to art and were open to experimentation & process. Michael Stephens carried the center since the early 70's. with numerous performance and musical works ,many times in public space. not always technically mastered but the tone of the opening article is entirely wrong. i was part of it and there at the beginning along with a lot of other sincere people.

=Associated movements=
Drop Art

Drop City



Gordon, Mary Beth. "The Art Research Center" September, 1980. p 6-8. Westport Magazine. q977.8411 W537

The Center. 1966-1970. (c) Art Research Center. Volumes 1-7. MVSC PF 709.778

von Ziegesar, Peter. July, 1986. "Art Center: Radical art form has found a home in Kansas City." Kansas City Magazine.

=External links=
* [] Kansas City Wall Graphic accomplishments, and Urban Design projects related to the Art Research Center

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