Palomar 12

Palomar 12

Globular cluster
name = Palomar 12

caption = Palomar 12 by Hubble Space Telescope, 3.36′ view
epoch = J2000
class = XII
constellation = Capricornus
ra = RA|21|46|38.8cite web
title=SIMBAD Astronomical Database
work=Results for Palomar 12
dec = DEC|−21|15|03
dist_ly = 64 ± 3 kly
dist_pc = 19.5 ± 0.9 kpccite journal
author = A. Rosenberg, I. Saviane, G. Piotto, E. V. Held
title=Young Galactic globular clusters II. The case of Palomar 12
journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics
appmag_v = 11.99
size_v = 17′.4
radius_ly = 162 ± 8 ly [distance × sin( diameter_angle / 2 ) = 162 ly. radius]
mass_kg = -
mass_msol = -
v_hb = -
age = 6.5 Gyrcitation
last1 = Geisler
first1 = Doug
last2 = Wallerstein
first2 = George
last3 = Smith
first3 = Verne V.
last4 = Casetti-Dinescu
first4 = Dana I.
title = Chemical Abundances and Kinematics in Globular Clusters and Local Group Dwarf Galaxies and Their Implications for Formation Theories of the Galactic Halo
year = 2007
date = September 2007
journal = The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
volume = 119
issue = 859
page = 939-961
url =
notes = -
names = GCl 123

Palomar 12 is a globular cluster in the constellation Capricornus that belongs to the halo of the Milky Way galaxy. First discovered on the Palomar Survey Sky plates by Robert G. Harrington and Fritz Zwicky, [cite journal
first = George O.
authorlink = George Ogden Abell
title=Globular Clusters and Planetary Nebulae Discovered on the National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
journal=Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
] it was catalogued as a globular cluster. However Zwicky came to believe this was actually a nearby dwarf galaxy in the Local Group. It is a relatively young cluster, being about 30% younger than most of the globular clusters in the Milky Way. It is metal-rich with a metallicity of [Fe/H] ~= -0.8. It has an average luminosity distribution of Mv = -4.48.citation
last1 = van den Bergh
first1 = Sidney
authorlink1 = Sidney van den Bergh
year = 2007
date = July 2007
title = The Luminosity Distribution of Globular Clusters in Dwarf Galaxies
journal = The Astronomical Journal
volume = 134
issue = 1
page = 344-345
url =

Based on proper motion studies, this cluster was first suspected in 2000 to have been captured from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy about 1.7 Gyr ago. [cite journal
author=D. I. Dinescu, S. R. Majewski, T. M. Girard, K. M. Cudworth
title=The Absolute Proper Motion of Palomar 12: A Case for Tidal Capture from the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
journal=The Astronomical Journal
] Its membership is now generally believed (Cohen 2004, Sbordone et al. 2006).


External links

* [ Simbad reference data]
* [ SEDS: Palomar 12, Capricornus Dwarf]

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