- Georg Joseph Vogler
Georg Joseph Vogler, also known as Abbé Vogler (
June 15 ,1749 –May 6 ,1814 ), was a Germancomposer ,organist ,teacher and theorist.Vogler was born at
Pleichach inWürzburg . His father Jared Vogler, aviolin maker, while educating him in theJesuit college, encouraged his musical talent, which was so marked that at ten years old he could not only play the organ well, but had also acquired a fair command of the violin and some other instruments. In 1771 he went toMannheim , where he composed aballet for the electorKarl Theodor , who sent him toBologna in 1774 to study under thePadre Martini . Dissatisfied with the method of that learned theorist, he studied for five months underFrancesco Antonio Vallotti atPadua , and afterwards proceeded toRome , where, having been ordained priest, he was admitted to the famousAcademy of Arcadia , made a knight of theGolden Spur , and appointed protonotary and chamberlain to thepope .On his return to Mannheim in 1775, Vogler was appointed court chaplain and second "maestro di cappella". He now established his first great music school. His pupils were devoted to him, but he made innumerable enemies, for the principles upon which he taught were opposed to those of all other teachers. He had invented a new system of fingering for the
harpsichord , a new form of construction for the organ, and a new system of musical theory founded upon that of Valotti.Mozart condemned the fingering as "miserable," and many rumours to his discredit have survived to this day owing to Mozart's share in the prejudice felt against him. The proposed change in the construction of the organ consisted in simplifying the mechanism, introducing free-reeds in place of ordinary reed-stops, and substituting unisonous stops for the great "mixtures" then in vogue. The theoretical system, though professedly based upon Valotti's principles, was to a great extent empirical. Nevertheless, in virtue of a certain substratum of truth which seems to have underlain his new theories, Vogler undoubtedly exercised a powerful influence over the progress of musical science, and numbered among his disciples some of the greatest geniuses of the period.In 1778 Karl Theodor moved his court to
Munich . Vogler followed him there in 1780, but, dissatisfied with the reception accorded to his dramatic compositions, soon quit his post. He went toParis , where after much hostility his new system was recognized as a continuation of that started by Rameau. His organ concerts in the church of St. Sulpice attracted considerable attention. At the request of the queen, he composed the opera "Le Patriotism", which was produced before the court at Versailles. His travels were wide, and extended overSpain ,Greece ,Armenia , remote districts ofAsia andAfrica , and evenGreenland , in search of uncorrupted forms of national melody. In 1786 he was appointed "Kapellmeister" byGustav III of Sweden , founded his second music school inStockholm , and attained extraordinary celebrity by his performances on an instrument called the "orchestrion ", a species of organ invented by himself. In 1790 he brought this instrument toLondon , and performed upon it with great effect at the Pantheon, for the concert-room of which he also constructed an organ upon his own principles. The abbe's pedal-playing excited great attention. His most popular pieces were afugue on themes from the "Hallelujah Chorus", composed after a visit to theHandel festival atWestminster Abbey , and "A Musical Picture for the Organ", by Knecht, containing the imitation of a storm.From London Vogler proceeded to
Rotterdam and the chief towns on theRhine . AtEsslingen he was presented with the "wine of honor", reserved for the use of sovereigns. AtFrankfurt he attended the coronation of the emperor Leopold II. He then visitedStockholm , and after a long residence there, interrupted by endless wanderings, once more established himself in Germany, where his compositions, both sacred and dramatic, received at last full credit. We hear of him atBerlin in 1800, atVienna in 1804 and at Münich in 1806. While at Frankfurt in 1807 he received an invitation from Ludwig I,grand duke of Hesse-Darmstadt, offering him the appointment of "Kapellmeister", with the order of merit, the title ofprivy councillor , a salary of 3000 florins, a house, a table supplied from the duke's own kitchen, and other privileges, which determined him to bring his wanderings at last to a close.At
Darmstadt he opened his third and most famous music school, the chief ornaments of which were Gansbacher,Carl Maria von Weber andGiacomo Meyerbeer , whose affection for their old master was unbounded. One of Vogler's latest exploits was a journey to Frankfurt in 1810, to witness the production of Weber's "Sylvana". He continued to work hard to the last, and died suddenly of apoplexy at Darmstadt. He was a brilliant and accomplished performer, and an excellent if an eccentric teacher; but his own compositions, save for a rarely heard requiem, have not survived.References
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