

name = "Thwaitesia"

image_caption = "T. affinis", female
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
subordo = Araneomorphae
familia = Theridiidae
genus = "Thwaitesia"
genus_authority = O. P-Cambridge, 1881
diversity_link = List of Theridiidae species#Thwaitesia
diversity = 22 species

range_map_width = 250px
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Thwaitesia" is a genus of spider that occurs worldwide in the tropics.

It is very similar to the genus "Spintharus", and both are similar to "Episinus".

The female "T. affinis" is 4.5 mm long, the male 2.7 mm; "T. bracteata" is about the same size.


* "Thwaitesia affinis" O. P.-Cambridge, 1882 (Panama to Paraguay)
* "Thwaitesia algerica" Simon, 1895 (Algeria)
* "Thwaitesia argentata" Thorell, 1890 (Sumatra)
* "Thwaitesia argenteoguttata" (Tullgren, 1910) (Tanzania)
* "Thwaitesia argenteosquamata" (Lenz, 1891) (Madagascar)
* "Thwaitesia argentiopunctata" (Rainbow, 1916) (Queensland)
* "Thwaitesia aureosignata" (Lenz, 1891) (Madagascar)
* "Thwaitesia bracteata" (Exline, 1950) (Trinidad, Colombia to Paraguay)
* "Thwaitesia dangensis" Patel & Patel, 1972 (India)
* "Thwaitesia glabicauda" Zhu, 1998 (China)
* "Thwaitesia inaurata" (Vinson, 1863) (Réunion)
* "Thwaitesia margaritifera" O. P.-Cambridge, 1881 (Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam)
* "Thwaitesia meruensis" (Tullgren, 1910) (Tanzania)
* "Thwaitesia nigronodosa" (Rainbow, 1912) (Queensland)
* "Thwaitesia phoenicolegna" Thorell, 1895 (Myanmar, Vietnam)
* "Thwaitesia pulcherrima" Butler, 1882 (Madagascar)
* "Thwaitesia rhomboidalis" Simon, 1903 (Equatorial Guinea)
* "Thwaitesia scintillans" Kulczyn'ski, 1911 (New Guinea)
* "Thwaitesia simoni" (Keyserling, 1884) (Brazil)
* "Thwaitesia spinicauda" Thorell, 1895 (Myanmar)
* "Thwaitesia splendida" Keyserling, 1884 (Panama to Venezuela)
* "Thwaitesia turbinata" Simon, 1903 (Sierra Leone)


* Levi, H.W. (1963). The American Spider Genera "Spintharus" and "Thwaitesia" (Araneae: Theridiidae). "Psyche" 70:223-234 [ PDF]

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