

Shankara (also written as Sankara or Samkara, IAST IAST|śaṅkara) can refer to:
*Shiva, the Hindu god
*Adi Shankara, 9th century Hindu philosopher
*Psychological Reaction of Clinging or Aversion
*with honorific: Shankaracharya (Shankara acharya)

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  • Shankara — mit Schülern (Gemälde von Raja Ravi Varma) Adi Shankara (Sanskrit, शंकर, śankara, adi heißt „Anfang, Ursprung“) genannt Shankaracharya (acharya heißt Meister) (* um 788 in Kalady in Kerala; † um 820) ist ein religiöser Lehrer und Philosoph des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shankara — Adi Shankara Adi Shankara Naissance: 788 Kalady (Inde) Décès: 820? Kedarnath (Inde) École/tradition …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Shankara — (seventh century C.E.)    founder of Vedanta philosophy    Shankara was the great seventh century philo sophical genius who created the first widely known school of VEDANTA. He is also known as Shankaracharya.    Shankara was born in Kerala to a… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Shankara — (c. 788–820) Indian philosopher. Born in Kerala, Shankara is acknowledged as the leader of the Hindu revival after the Buddhist period, and a founder of religious orders on the Buddhist model. He led a peripatetic life and wrote a number of… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Shankara — Shạnkara   [ʃ ], indischer Philosoph und Heiliger, * Kaladi (Kerala) 788, ✝ Kedarnath (Uttar Pradesh) 820; einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des Advaita Vedanta und Erneuerer des Hinduismus, galt in Indien als eine Inkarnation Shivas. Shankara… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Shankara Vijayam — Shankara Vijayams (IAST IAST|Śaṃkaravijayaṃ ) are traditional biographies of the Advaita philosopher Adi Shankara. The main Shankaravijams are: * Madhavīya Shankaravijayam (of Madhava, c. 14th century) * Anandagirīya Shankaravijayam (of… …   Wikipedia

  • Shankara Variyar — was an Indian astronomer and mathematician who wrote the celebrated Yuktidipika , a commentary on the Tantrasangraha of Nilakantha also*Indian mathematicians …   Wikipedia

  • Shankara — /shung keuhr euh/, n. A.D. 789? 821?, Hindu Vedantist philosopher and teacher. Also, Sankara. Also called Shankaracharya /shung keuhr euh chahr yeuh/. * * * or Samkara born с 700, Kaladi village?, India died с 750, Kedarnath Indian philosopher… …   Universalium

  • Shankara — /shung keuhr euh/, n. A.D. 789? 821?, Hindu Vedantist philosopher and teacher. Also, Sankara. Also called Shankaracharya /shung keuhr euh chahr yeuh/ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Adi Shankara — Shankará (788 820) fue uno de los más importantes pensadores de la India. El legendario Adi Shankará, de acuerdo con la imaginación del pintor indio Raya Ravi Varma. Fue el primero que consolidó la doctrina aduaita vedanta (una de las escuelas… …   Wikipedia Español

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