SMR may mean:

*Safe Memory Reclamation
*Saltwood Miniature Railway
*Schweitzer Mountain Resort
*See Me Running, a musical project of DJ Stanny Tape.
*Self-Myofascial Release
*Sensorimotor rhythm
*Shinto Muso-ryu, the art of handling the Japanese quarterstaff
*Signal-to-Mask Ratio
*Sites and Monuments Record (in British archaeology)
*Sloan Management Review
*Snowdon Mountain Railway
*Soccermom racing
*Social Media Release
*Société de Médecine de le Reproduction
*Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Code used by the United States military for logistics
*South Maitland Railway, New South Wales, Australia
*Specialized Mobile Radio
*Sphere Mounted Reflector (SMR), used as a target for Laser Trackers
*Square matricial representation (SMR), see Polynomial SOS
*Standardized Mortality Ratio
*Steam reforming, also called "Steam Methane Reforming," a method of producing hydrogen, particularly in the petrochemical industry.
*Stone & McCarthy Research
*Sunday Morning Ride
*Surface movement radar, used on airports to observe taxiing aircraft
*"Sveriges muslimska råd", the Muslim Council of Sweden
*Swedish Resistance Movement
*Switching–mode rectifier

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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