- Perwîz Cîhanî
Perwîz Cîhanî (born 1955), is a Kurdish writer and novelist. He was born near
Khoy in northwest ofIran . Around 1977-1978, he began writing poems and short stories in Kurdish, and collecting pieces of Kurdish folklore. In 1984, he worked in the Kurdish Radio ofUrmia , presenting two cultural programs. During the same period, he was active in the Kurdish journal of "Sirwe", where he published several articles. In 1986, due to the content of his radio programs, he was dismissed from his job in radio. He continued working full-time in "Sirwe" until he was forced to leave Iran and sought refuge inSwitzerland as a political asylum in 1995. He has worked with several online Kurdish journals such as "Mehname", "Avesta" and "Nûdem".Works
#"Bilîcan". Novel, 512pp., Doz Publishers, Istanbul, 2002, ISBN 975-6876-29-8 [http://nyhuus.deich.folkebibl.no/DEICHMAN/DFB/KURV04.htm] . Re-published by Nefel Publishers, Sweden, 2002 [http://www.nefel.com/epirtuk/pdf/perwiz_cihani_bilican_02.pdf] . ISBN 91-89687-12-4.
#"Ax Şilêrok" (Collection of Poems), 64 pp., Apec Publishers, Spanga, Sweden, 1998. ISBN 9189014308.
#"Peyam: Komele Kurteçîrok" (Collection of Short Stories), 126 pp., Orient-Réalités, Genève, 1997.
#Li Ser Wergera M. Emîn Bozarslan a Mem û Zîna Ehmedê Xanî (Regarding Emîn Bozarslan's transliteration of "Mem û Zîn" of Ahmad Khani), Zend Journal, Kurdish Institute of Istanbul, No.8 [http://www.enstituyakurdi.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=64] .
#"Rênivîsa Kurdî" (Kurdish Grammar), Salahaddin Ayoobi Publishers, Urmia, Iran.External links
* [http://www.geocities.com/perwizcihany/Seite1.htm Ez kîme? (Who Am I?)] , Perwîz Cîhanî's biography.
* [http://www.rojev.com/rojawelat/hejmar28/rojawelat6.pdf An Interview with Perwîz Cîhanî] (in Kurdish).
* [http://www.a-d-s.ch/d/lexikon/edit/detail_a.php?id_autor=863 Perwîz Cîhanî] , Autorinnene und Autoren der Schweiz (in German).
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