

Halny – a foehn wind that blows in southern Poland and in Slovakia in the Carpathian Mountains. The most turbulent halnyA note attempting to provide the English comprehension of "halny", which lacks a one-word translation: "Halny" is a singular masculine noun in Polish (plural: "halne") when denoting the wind. Wind is of masculine gender in Polish: "wiatr". The terms "halny" and "wiatr halny" are synonymous. "Halny" is also a general masculine adjective derived from the feminine noun "hala", a grassy meadow typical of the higher elevations of the Carpathian Mountains and the Alps. The feminine singular adjective is "halna", while the neuter singular and the plural for all all three genders of the adjective is "halne".] blows in Podhale, coming from the South, down the slopes of the Tatra Mountains; in Slovakia, on the other side of the mountains, it comes from the North.

Halny is a warm windstorm that blows through the valleys. It is often disastrous; ripping off roofs, causing avalanches and, according to some people, can have some influence on mental states.

Most halny occur in October and November, sometimes in February and March, rarely in other months.


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