KSE BRIndex30

KSE BRIndex30

BRIndex30 or BR Index 30, BR stands for (Business Recorder), composition of BRIndex is based on average turnover of past 6 months trading days. Companies' stocks are included (or removed) based on the largest average turnover recorded in the last six months.

ee also

* KSE 100 index
* KSE-30 Index
* Business Recorder

External links

* [http://www.khistocks.com.pk BRIndex30 Official website]
* [http://www.pakstockexchange.com/ Pakistan Stock Exchange]
* [http://www.businessrecorder.com/ BR website, Pakistan Financial Daily]
* [http://www.tezimandee.com/forum/index.php Tezi Mandee - Comprehensive Community Of Pakistani Investors & Traders]

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