

Knocknakilla (Grid Ref: [ W297843] ) is a megalithic complex between Macroom and Millstreet, County Cork, Ireland. It is set in blanket peatland on the north-west upper slopes of Musherabeg mountain, and is said to be 3500 years old. The Knocknakilla area is rich with archaeological artefacts and nearby are two cashels, a ringfort, two fulacht fiadh, a possible souterrain, and a circular enclosure. (Grid Ref: W294 842, Latitude: 52.005861N Longitude: 9.028823W) [cite web | title=Knocknakilla | work= The Megalithic Portal| url= | accessdate=2008-06-14]


Knocknakilla is translated from the Irish "Cnoc na Cille", as 'The Stone of the Church'.


* Knocknakilla Megalithic Complex is found on a level patch of bogland overlooking a deep valley, and comprises a recumbent stone circle, a radial cairn and two pointy typed portal stones (one of which has fallen), aligned NNE-SSW. The stone circle is made up of five 1.3-1.5m high stones, of which two (the axis and east sidestone) fell sometime in the last 50 years. Only the two northern portal stones and a stone at the west stand today. The stone row, made up of two stones both over 3.5m tall, seems to have been aligned on the stone circle, although the stone nearest the circle has fallen, and the remaining stone has a pronounced lean. [cite web | title=Knocknakilla Recumbent Stone Circle - Co. Cork | work=| url= | accessdate=2008-06-14] Three meters away is a 10 stone, 3.5m diameter, radial cairn which was first discovered by Coillte Teoranta in 1970. The upright standing stone is 3.7m tall, and it leans heavily to the north.
* Knocknakilla Dolmen comprises a long flat capstone supported by three upright stones
* Knocknakilla Standing Stone is a NE-SW facing, 1.65m high single stone. Rectangular in plan, it narrows towards the top, and is leaning to NE.


Given their relation to both the rising and setting sun, it is thought that they were erected and aligned with purpose. This theory holds that they functioned as calenders and may have been of assistance to early farmers. [Cork County Council, Information plaque located near the site.]


ee also

* List of megalithic monuments in Cork



"Denis Power (1997). "Archaeological inventory of County Cork, Volume 3: Mid Cork, 9467" ColorBooks. ISBN 0-7076-4933-1"

External links

* [ Megalithic Ireland - Photographs of Knocknakilla Stone Circle]

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