Waldemar Lindgren

Waldemar Lindgren

Waldemar Lindgren (February 14 1860-November 3 1939) was a Swedish-American economic geologist. He attended the Freiberg Mining Academy, Germany from 1878-82, graduating as a mining engineer. In 1884 he began a 31-year career with the U.S. Geological Survey, working on ore deposits in the Rocky Mountains. In 1905 he helped found the journal Economic Geology. In 1912, he was appointed head of the Department of Geology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Notable publications

Lindgren's published writings run to nearly 200 titles, not counting discussions, reviews, and more than 1,000 abstracts. Most of his publications are on the great ore deposits. Here are some of his best-known and most-cited works:

*W. Lindgren, 1913, "Mineral Deposits", New York, McGraw-Hill. [http://books.google.com/books/pdf/Mineral_Deposits.pdf Online (1913) edition] . Revised editions of this widely-used textbook were published in 1919, 1928 and 1933.

*W. Lindgren, 1911, The Tertiary Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California, USGS Prof. Paper 73. [http://books.google.com/books/pdf/The_Tertiary_Gravels_of_the_Sierra_Nevad.pdf Online edition]

*Lindgren, W., Graton, L. C., Schrader, F. C., & Hill, J. M. (1910). The ore deposits of New Mexico. USGS Prof. Paper

*Lindgren, W., & Ransome, F. L. (1906). Geology and gold deposits of the Cripple Creek District, Colorado. USGS Prof. Paper

*W Lindgren, 1905, The copper deposits of the Clifton-Morenci district, Arizona: US Geol Survey Prof. Paper

*W Lindgren & GF Loughlin, 1919, Geology and ore deposits of the Tintic mining district, Utah: USGS Prof. Paper

*W Lindgren, 1903, The water resources of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands: US Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper

External links

* [http://www.minsocam.org/ammin/AM25/AM25_184.pdf Memorial from American Mineralogist ]
* [http://www.leadville.com/miningmuseum/inductee.asp?i=40&b=inductees%2Easp&t=y&p=1989&s= Brief bio, National Mining Hall of Fame]
* [http://www.aracnet.com/~histgaz/lindgren.htm Biographical sketch from Dictionary of American Biography]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20070620170515/http://www.segweb.org/LINDGREN.htm Lindgren at Freiberg Mining Academy] , from SEG Newsletter, accessed 1/17/08

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