James J. Jenkins

James J. Jenkins

James J. Jenkins is an American psychology professor best known for his work in psycholinguistics. His current research work is largely in speech perception and memory. The Palermo-Jenkins word association list is named after him.

He earned his B.S. from University of Chicago, A.B. from William Jewell College, M.A. and Ph.D. from University of Minnesota, completing his doctorate in 1950. From 1959 to 1982, Jenkins was a professor in the department of Psychology at University of Minnesota. He is currently a Distinguished Research Professor (Emeritus), Psychology, University of South Florida, and Speech and Hearing Sciences, Graduate Center, City University of New York. He is a Fellow of American Psychological Association Divisions 2, 3, and 21. [ [http://www.apa.org/divisions/div21/Introduction/fellows.html Fellows ] ] In 1994 he was one of 52 signatories on "Mainstream Science on Intelligence," an editorial written by Linda Gottfredson and published in the "Wall Street Journal", which defended the findings on race and intelligence in "The Bell Curve". Gottfredson, Linda (December 13, 1994). Mainstream Science on Intelligence. "Wall Street Journal", p A18.]


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