Open ePolicy Group

Open ePolicy Group

The Open ePolicy Group is a global network of technology experts, launched at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, a policy center at Harvard Law School. Created in September 2005, the Open ePolicy Group provides policymakers and managers with thought leadership and tools related to technology issues. The Open ePolicy Group's first product, the Roadmap for Open ICT Ecosystems, is a meta-level framework of best practices, case studies and tools aimed at informing policymakers, CIOs, industry and other stakeholders of the benefits of open information and communication technologies ecosystems.


The Open ePolicy Group

In its original formulation, the Open ePolicy Group, founded by Jeffrey A. Kaplan, represented a global collaboration among twenty-four individuals, including senior officials from thirteen nations, thought leaders from five global organizations, experts from two leading technology companies and academics from one of the world’s most respected universities.

Roadmap for Open ICT Ecosystems

In terms of content, the Roadmap for Open ICT Ecosystems helps people understand what open ICT ecosystems are, why they are embraced and how to evolve them. It also demonstrates how introducing “openness” across an ICT ecosystem provides new ways to drive efficiency, innovation and growth to meet the needs of a high-speed, on-demand world.

The Roadmap for Open ICT Ecosystems provides policy recommendations, tools and case studies related to ICT issues such as open standards, interoperability frameworks, open-source software, a Capability Maturity Model designed to gauge ICT ecosystems, and technology procurement.

The Open ePolicy Group coined the word openization to describe the process of increasing an ecosystem's capacity to integrate and sustain open technologies, collaborative models, interchangeable components, and transparent processes. The Roadmap principally applies this concept to a technology or ICT ecosystem, but it could apply to other fields.

The Roadmap is available in five languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish.

Open ePolicy Group in the news

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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