TDP can mean:

* Telugu Desam Party, a regional political party in India
* the dreamscapes project, eccentric folkcore quintet from Washington D.C. area
* Thermal depolymerization, a process for converting biomass into oil
* Thermal Design Power, a value describing the thermal limits of a computer system
* Theory of democratic peace
* "Toplumcu Demokratik Parti", the Turkish Socialist Democratic Party
* Torsades de pointes, a form of cardiac arrhythmia
* Trans-Dimensional Police, a fictional law enforcement organization from the comic book GrimJack
* Triad Differential Pair, a connector manufactured by Molex
* Tivoli Data Protection, software from the IBM Tivoli Framework
* Thiamine diphosphate, an enzyme cofactor
* Cisco Tag Distribution Protocol, the basis of a multilayer, multiprotocol switching technology for scaling router and switch backbones, combining the performance and traffic management capabilities of Layer 2 (data link layer) switching with the scalability and flexibility of Layer 3 (network layer) routing

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