Yitzhak Frenkel

Yitzhak Frenkel

Yitzhak Frenkel (1899-1981) (variant names Isaac Frenel, Isaac Fraenkel, Yitzhak Frenel, Yitshak Frenkel-Frenel, Alexandre Frenel, Izhak Frenel) was an important Israeli painter, born in 1899 in Odessa, Ukraine. He was a great-grandson of the famed Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev. In 1917, he studied under Aleksandra Ekster at the Art Academy in Odessa. Frenkel immigrated to Palestine in 1919 as part of the first wave of settlers of the Third Aliyah (see Aliyah). In 1920, he established the artists' cooperative in Jaffa and an artists' studio in Herzliya. Later that year Frenkel traveled to Paris where he studied at the École des Beaux-Arts and at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière at the studios of the sculptor Antoine Bourdelle and painter Henri Matisse. One of the most important Jewish artists of the École de Paris, Frenkel’s contemporaries included Chaim Soutine, Marc Chagall, Amedeo Modigliani, Michel Kikoine, Pinchus Krémègne, Mané-Katz, and Jules Pascin.

Frenkel returned to Israel in 1925 and opened the studio of painting arts of the Histadrut School in Tel-Aviv. His students included Shimshon Holzman, Mordechai Levanon, David Hendler, Joseph Kossonogi, and Ziona Tajar. He was also a mentor to Bezalel Academy of Art and Design students Avigdor Stematsky, Yehezkel Streichman, Moshe Castel, and Arieh Aroch. Frenkel’s paintings favoured the abstract contemporary influences he had adopted during his years in Paris, rather than the orientalist trends then popular in Israel. After a five-year stay in Paris, Frenkel made Safed his home in 1934, well before the establishment of the influential Artists' Colony. Among his numerous prizes and accomplishments are the Dizengoff Prize and his participation in the first and second Venice Biennales.

In 1973, a museum of his works was opened at his house in Safed. In 1979, he had a one-man show at the famous Orangerie in Paris. He died in Tel Aviv in 1981 and was buried in Safed.

Selected exhibitions

* 1950: "Venice Biennale"
* 1924: "Salon des Indépendants", Paris

Selected collections

* "Israel Museum", Jerusalem


* Barzel, Amnon. "Isaac Alexander Frenel". Jerusalem: Massada Press, 1974.
* Gumprecht-Linke, S. "Frenel: École de Paris". Amsterdam: Israel Galerie Linka, 1977.

External links

* [http://www.imj.org.il/artcenter/sname2_a.asp?artist=2273&list=F Israeli Art Centre] (Isaac Frenel)

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