No Rodeo

No Rodeo

No Rodeo ran seven independent candidates at the 2006 South Australian state election.

Adelaide • Amanda Barlow

Giles • Esmond Vettoretti

Kaurna • Jeanie Walker

Light • Craig Allan

Newland • Troy Walker

Reynell • Marie Nicholls

Stuart • Simon Cook

This situation arose out of the significant public attention focussed on the treatment of animals at rodeo events during the previous two years. The high level of public interest was a result of the professional documentation of routine rodeo cruelty by Jeanie and Troy Walker[1].

The total number of first preference votes received by the seven independent candidates was reasonable at 2131[2], particularly given that the independent candidates campaigned on a shoe-string budget. There was no television, radio or print advertising available to the “No Rodeo” independent candidates as funds simply did not permit. The major campaign expense was the purchase of election posters, yet the total number of election posters used by the “No Rodeo” candidates was still only 400. This small number of posters was divided between the seven candidates. Even without deliberate sabotage[3], such a poster campaign was dwarfed by the number of posters in use by minor and major parties.

The independent “No Rodeo” candidates were prior to the election well aware of the limitations of their campaign. They were not naïve and never believed themselves to be serious election contenders. The aim of the candidates was to raise awareness of rodeo cruelty and other justice issues and to network with people who held similar concerns. This aim was achieved and the campaign to ban bucking, roping and steer wrestling rodeo events has continued and grown stronger since March 2006.

It is also significant to note that 29,042[4] first preference lower house votes went to minor and major party candidates who during the election campaign publicly supported a ban on bucking, roping and steer wrestling rodeo events.


  1. ^ Who Is No Rodeo
  2. ^ See ABC Election Results Website for the electorates of Adelaide, Giles, Kaurna, Light, Newland, Reynell & Stuart
  3. ^ Despite being an offence, approximately 80% of the “No Rodeo” campaign posters were removed shortly after their erection. This was reported to police. In one case a person associated with rodeo events was caught at night in the act of climbing up pole to which a “No Rodeo” poster was affixed. The person’s explanation to the police was that he was only climbing the pole to “get a better look at the poster.” It is interesting that media interest in the deliberate sabotage of the “No Rodeo” posters gave some casual observers the mistaken view that the “No Rodeo” campaign had involved the use of a large number of posters.
  4. ^ See point 2, plus refer to the No Rodeo webpage listing politicians who oppose rodeos

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