- Branchiosaurus
name = "Branchiosaurus"
fossil_range = LowerPermian
image_width = 160px
image_caption = "Branchiosaurus" skeleton.
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Amphibia
ordo =Temnospondyli
subordo =Euskelia
superfamilia =Eryopoidea
familia =Eryopidae
genus = "Branchiosaurus"
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = "B. gracilis" Credner,1881
"B. pusillus" Frič,1878
"B. salamandroides" Fritsch,1875
"B. umbrosus" Fritsch,1879 "Branchiosaurus" (Greek for "gill lizard") is a
genus of small, lightly-built earlyprehistoric amphibian s.Fossil s have been discovered in strata dating from the latePennsylvanian Epoch to thePermian Period. The taxa may be invalid; the material referred to the genus may be juvenile specimens of larger amphibians.This tiny amphibian was very similar to the "
Rachitomi ", differing primarily in size. Other distinguishing characteristics include a less ossified skeleton and a shorter skull. Clear traces ofgill s are present in many fossilized samples, hence the name.Originally thought to have
vertebrae distinct from rachitomous vertebrae, it was placed in a separate order namedPhyllospondyli ("leaf vertebrae"). Later analysis of growth stages showed increasing ossification in larger specimens, which showed that it was thelarval stage of a much larger rachitome like "Eryops ".References
*Andrew R. Milner, "The Tetrapod Assemblage from Nýrany, Czechoslovakia", in Systematics Association Special Volume No.15, "The Terrstrial Environment and the Orogin of Land Vertebrates", ed. by A. L. Panchen, 1980, pp.439-496, Academic Press, London and New York
External links
* [http://www.toyen.uio.no/palmus/galleri/montre/english/159_159.htm Fossil picture.]
* [http://www.biolib.cz/en/taxon/id285187/ "Branchiosaurus at BioLib.cz]
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