Roch-Ambroise Cucurron Sicard

Roch-Ambroise Cucurron Sicard

Roch-Ambroise Cucurron Sicard (September 20, 1742 - May 10, 1822), French abbé and instructor of the deaf, was born at Le Fousseret, Haute-Garonne.

Educated as a priest, he was made principal of a school for the deaf at Bordeaux in 1786, and in 1789, on the death of the Abbé de l'Epée, succeeded him at Paris. He met Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet while traveling in England and invited Gallaudet to visit the famous school for the deaf in Paris.

His chief work was his "Cours d'instruction d'un sourd-muet de naissance" (1800). The Abbé Sicard managed to escape any serious harm in the political troubles of 1792, and became a member of the Institute in 1795, but the value of his educational work was hardly recognized till shortly before his death at Paris.



* Lane, Harlan, When the Mind Hears, (Hardcover ISBN 0-394-50878-5, Publisher - Random House // Paperback ISBN 0-679-72023-5, Publisher - Vintage) (Download Chapter 1, "My New Family":

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