Dominic Louis Serventy

Dominic Louis Serventy

Dr Dominic Louis Serventy (28 March 1904 - 1988) was an eminent Perth based Australian ornithologist. He was born at Brown Hill, Western Australia. He was educated at the University of Western Australia and Cambridge University. He was President of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (RAOU) 1947-1949.

He was co-author (with H. M. Whittell) of "Birds of Western Australia", (published in five editions between 1948 and 1976), and (with John Warham and his brother Vincent Serventy) of "The Handbook of Australian Seabirds" (1971). He is commemorated by the RAOU's D.L. Serventy Medal which is awarded annually for outstanding published work on birds in the Australasian region.


* 1952 - elected a Fellow of the RAOU
* 1956 - awarded the Australian Natural History Medallion
* 1970 - awarded the Tasmanian Royal Society Medal
* 1972 - appointed Ridder in the Most Excellent Order of the Golden Ark


* Kloot, Tess. (1986). “A Regular Correspondence … On Matters Ornitholgical”. "La Trobe Journal" 38: 42-47. [] Accessed 10 September 2007
* Robin, Libby. (2001). "The Flight of the Emu: a hundred years of Australian ornithology 1901-2001". Carlton, Vic. Melbourne University Press. ISBN 0-522-84987-3

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