Saddam Hussein (South Park)

Saddam Hussein (South Park)

South Park character

name=Saddam Hussein
death=the movie, attacked by wild boars
age=69 (implied to be fully deceased)
job=Former President of Iraq
start=Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus
finish=It's Christmas in Canada
voice=Matt Stone|

Saddam Hussein is frequently portrayed as a character in the animated series "South Park", often with appearance and mannerisms that vary dramatically from the real Saddam Hussein. Matt Stone performs his voice. Saddam in the show is known as the arch-nemesis of Terrance and Phillip. He had a love relationship with Satan in Hell.

Though he was technically deceased from , he was still a recurring character until It's Christmas in Canada.


Saddam Hussein's body is made in the usual "South Park" style (resembling construction paper), but his head is a photograph cutout; while this is sometimes done with celebrities on "South Park", other than Ben Affleck in "How To Eat With Your Butt", Saddam and Mel Gibson seem to be the only recurring characters with this feature. Saddam is also notable for having a "Canadian-style" head; that is, his head is cut into two pieces, which come apart when he talks, instead of having a normal mouth. This is probably because his first appearance was in "Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus" (see below), which featured almost all Canadians/was supposed to be a "cartoon-within-a-cartoon" and thus had unusual animation; however Saddam's head has retained this quality in other appearances, unlike any other non-Canadian. He also uses [uː] in place of [aʊː] [See The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka where he is observed using this speech.] (as Canadians are often perceived to do with "aboot" in place of "about" in South Park) [See Terrance and Phillip#Terrance and Phillip as a satire] .


While Saddam on South Park is based on the real-life Saddam, he also displays many important differences. For one thing, he has a very high-pitched, whiny voice, he is homosexual, speaks English and often calmly insists that people "relax," especially those people who are (usually correctly) suspicious of his motives. He usually says "relax guy" to men. He often insults people, especially in his romantic relationship with Satan; he was so emotionally abusive that their relationship did not last and Satan exiled him to Heaven (see below).

Saddam seems to have a rather unusual obsession with Canada, and has conquered it three times ("Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus," "It's Christmas in Canada").He also conquered Canada along with the rest of the world for a very short amount of time in .

Episode appearances

Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus

In his first appearance, Saddam tries to take over Canada, covering it in posters of himself and Iraqi flags. The events in the episode are later revealed to be part of a fictional movie based on a real story and starring the Canadian duo Terrance and Phillip. Terrance and Phillip then convince all Canadians to fart, causing Saddam and his troops to choke to death (Saddam's body is later torn apart by joyful Canadians).

The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka

At the very end of the episode, when Jesus's producer is sent to Hell, Saddam and Satan are seen holding hands. Saddam also says "aboot", hinting that he may be Canadian.

outh Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut

He is a major villain in the feature film . In the film, Kenny sets his fart on fire when Cartman does not think one could light a fart on fire, after watching Terrance and Phillip do it in the film "Asses of Fire". Kenny dies and goes to Hell where he encounters Saddam. Saddam is not only in Hell (having recently been killed by wild boars) but also having a homosexual relationship with Satan. However, Satan, portrayed as rather sensitive and caring, is hurt by Saddam's constant negativity. Saddam attempts to regain Satan's trust with a song: "I Can Change". Upon learning that Saddam had only feigned interest in him in the hope of obtaining his help in returning to Earth, Satan promptly breaks up with him.

At the film's end, once Satan and Saddam return to Earth to wreak havoc, Saddam pushes Satan aside and makes everyone bow down to him until Cartman uses the V-chip on his brain to attack him. After that, Saddam insults Satan by calling him a "cumbucket," which gets Satan extremely angry with Saddam due to the abuse he has given him already, and throws him back down to Hell. He is killed on the way down by a spike in which he was impaled by. Eventually at the end of the film while everyone is singing a happy song, Saddam is still alive, singing with them. An interesting thing is that the credits of the film says that Saddam was voiced by himself.

Do the Handicapped go to Hell?

In this two-part episode, Saddam returns to Hell to find that Satan has a new relationship with a man named Chris. After Saddam becomes jealous, he kills Chris, who kills Saddam and a vicious killing circle ensues with both men killing each other and returning to Hell ("Where were they supposed to go? Detroit?") Satan asks God what to do and then decides to leave both Chris and Saddam. As a punishment, Saddam is sent to Heaven with the Mormons.

A Ladder to Heaven

Kenny dies before revealing the location of his winning candy shopping spree ticket. The boys decide to build a ladder to Heaven to ask him where he had put it. Meanwhile, the US government "finds out" (managed to see a chemical weapons plant in normal clouds, although it was argued as to what the shape was) about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction in Heaven. The government gives up their search near the end of the episode, but it is revealed that Hussein is, in fact, having the Mormons build a chemical weapons plant but he has "cleverly" disguised it as a chocolate chip factory, which he even successfully "hides" from God.


Saddam Hussein appears briefly as a form that a grotesque alien takes. The fake Saddam is singing the Michigan J. Frog act while wearing a top hat and a bow tie.

Krazy Kripples

Saddam Hussein appears as part of Christopher Reeve's Legion of Doom. He suggests that the Legion works to "kill the infidels" rather than Gene Hackman. It is unknown how he got to Earth from Heaven (whether God has banished him from Heaven or not), but he remains in this world for all remaining episodes (see below).

It's Christmas in Canada

In this episode, a new Prime Minister of Canada has made a new law that all adopted Canadians should return to their old homes. This included Kyle's adopted brother Ike. Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny make their way to Canada and eventually find the Prime Minister in a Wizard of Oz style-sequence.

The Prime Minister finds Kyle's story touching but denies his request to have Ike back. He then kills Kenny with a laser. Behind a curtain, Stan discovers a spider-hole where Saddam Hussein is hiding, posing as the voice of the Prime Minister, as he was found in real life. Saddam is then arrested by the Canadians, who then nullified all his laws for good, and Ike's parents agree to let Ike stay back in America with 'his' family. Saddam is last seen tied to a chair in a parade where the Canadians celebrate his capture downfall. This is considered as Saddam's last appearance, and he is heavily implied to finally be truly deceased. This is the only episode which Saddam appears to have a beard.

Non-Show Appearances

*Saddam was recently featured on a cover of "Rolling Stone" depicting Cartman photographing his hanging with a cell phone, a reference to the death of the real Saddam on December 30, 2006.

*Saddam has appeared in the video game South Park Rally in the Spooky Vision item.


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