- Rodrigo Garza
Rodrigo Garza Barbero (born
December 3 ,1979 inMadrid ) is afield hockey defender/midfielder fromSpain , who represented his native country at three consecutiveSummer Olympics , starting in 2000.After the Athens Games (2004), where the Spain finished in fourth position, Garza moved to
The Netherlands , where he joinedHC Den Bosch in the Dutch Premier League, called "Hoofdklasse". He moved on to national championsHC Bloemendaal in the spring of 2007, and became champion of premier dutch league in the 2008 season. Garza has been developing his skills since he was a child, developing a well known understanding of the game, due to the philosophy that governs his primary school, Colegio Valdeluz in Madrid, where Hockey excels and reigns among other sports. He has been associated to an extensive discipline and passion for the game of Hockey, probably soon developed because he started to play with the national Spanish squad as a teenager. His kind of game could be defined as tactical minded, oriented to organize the attacks begginnig from a well stablished Defense involving constant movement of the strikers to open the counter defenses. He has endorsed Malik and Grays sticks and currently tasks the duty of penalty corner stopper.Born and raised in Madrid, Spain, he started to play Hockey at his hometown school Colegio Valdeluz and then promoted through respectives categories until reaching premier Spanish league "División de Honor" playing with San Pablo Valdeluz (later on
Ssang Yong Valdeluz). He then moved to play for Club de Campo Villa de Madrid before arriving to Holland.Garza has been many times junior and senior champion and
runner up in both field and indoor Hockey, participating in several Euro champioships:Padova ,Barcelona ,Leipzig andManchester . He has participated in twoHockey World Cup s inKuala Lumpur andMönchengladbach . He achieved a major success by winning the firstChampions Trophy for Spain in 2004 at the National Hockey Stadium inLahore ,Pakistan and endingrunner up in 2008 edition celebrated inRotterdam ,Holland . He gained lot of respect by opposite teams earningSilver medal at Beijing 2008Summer Olympics losing tragically againstGermany the final game by only one goal.References
* [http://www.coe.es/ Spanish Olympic Committee]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.