

Logisim is a logic simulator. It is free software written in Java and released under the GPL. It is used by students in introductory computer science classes to design and experiment with digital circuits in simulation. Logisim is unable to accommodate analog components.

Circuits are designed in Logisim using a graphical user interface similar to traditional drawing programs, an interface also found in many other simulators. Design features for more sophisticated circuits, such as the "subcircuits" and "wire bundles" found in Logisim, are available in few other graphical tools; they are virtually unknown among open-source graphical circuit tools.

Logisim is meant for educational use. Professionals typically design circuits using a hardware description language such as Verilog or VHDL.

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* [http://ozark.hendrix.edu/~burch/logisim/index.html Official Logisim website]

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