- George R. Price
George R. Price (1922 –
January 6 ,1975 ) was an American population geneticist. Originally a physical chemist and later a science journalist, he moved toLondon in 1967, where he worked intheoretical biology at theGalton Laboratory , making three important contributions: first, rederivingW.D. Hamilton 's work onkin selection with a newPrice equation ; second, introducing (withJohn Maynard Smith ) the concept of theevolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), a central concept ingame theory ; and third, formalisingFisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection . A troubled man, Price converted toChristianity fromatheism , and after giving all his possessions to the poor, committedsuicide .Early life
Price was born in 1922, the younger brother of Edison. His father, an electrician, died when he was four. His mother was a former opera singer, and the family struggled through the
Great Depression .Having attended public school in
New York , Price graduated with a degree inchemistry fromUniversity of Chicago in 1943 and received hisdoctorate in the subject from the same institution in 1946, having worked on theManhattan Project .In 1947 he married Julia Madigan, but their relationship was contentious because George was a militant atheist whilst his wife was a practicing
Roman Catholic . Theydivorce d in 1955, having had two daughters, Annamarie and Kathleen.Early career
Between 1946 and 1948, Price was an instructor in chemistry at
Harvard University and consultant toArgonne National Laboratory . Later, he worked as a research associate inmedicine at theUniversity of Minnesota , working on, amongst other things,fluorescence microscopy andliver perfusion . In 1955 and 1956, he published two papers in the journal "Science" critisicing the apparently pseudoscientific claims ofextra-sensory perception .Continuing with science journalism, he tried to write a book entitled "No Easy Way" about the
United States 'Cold War with theSoviet Union and thePeople's Republic of China but complained that "the world kept changing faster than I could write about it", and so the book was never finished.From 1961 to 1967, Price was employed by
IBM as a consultant on graphic data processing. In 1966 he was treated forthyroid cancer , but the operation to remove the tumour left his shoulder partially paralysed and reliant onthyroxine medication. With the money from hismedical insurance , he moved to theUnited Kingdom to start a new life in November 1967.To Britain
W.D. Hamilton (1996) failed to recall when Price first contacted him, but says Price had read Hamilton's 1964 papers onkin selection , and with no training inpopulation genetics orstatistics devised thePrice equation , acovariance equation that generated the change in allele frequency of a population. Although the first part of the equation had been previously been derived byC. C. Li , its second component allowed it to be applied to all levels of selection,meiotic drive , traditionalnatural selection with an extension intoinclusive fitness , andgroup selection .Conversion
On 6 June 1970, Price had a religious experience and became an ardent scholar of the
New Testament . He believed that there had been too many coincidences in his life. In particular, he wrote a lengthy essay entitled "The Twelve Days of Easter", arguing that the calendar of events surroundingJesus ofNazareth 's death in Easter Week was actually slightly longer. Later he turned away from Biblical scholarship and instead dedicated his life to social work, helping the needy of North London.Other work in evolutionary theory
Price developed a new interpretation of
Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection , which has now been accepted as the best interpretation of a formerly enigmatic result. He also pioneered the application of game theory to evolutionary biology, in a co-authored 1973 paper with John Maynard Smith.Helping the homeless
Price dedicated the later part of his life to helping the homeless, often inviting homeless people to live in his house. Sometimes, when the people in his house became a distraction, he slept in his office at the
Galton Laboratory .He was eventually thrown out of his rented house due to a construction project in the area, which made him unhappy because he could no longer provide housing for the homeless. He moved to various
squats in the North London area, where he committed suicide with a pair of nail scissors by slashing his throat around Christmas, 1974. Friends said he committed suicide because of despondency over his inability to continue helping the homeless.Conclusion
A memorial service was held for Price in Euston (not in a church). The only persons present from academia were Hamilton and Maynard Smith, the other few mourners being those who had come to know him through his social work. Price's contributions were then largely overlooked for twenty years; he had worked only in theoretical biology for a short time and was not very thorough in publishing papers. This has changed in recent years, according to a biography of Price written by James Schwartz and published in 2000.
* Price, G.R. (1955). Science and the supernatural. "Science" 122:359-367. [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0036-8075%2819550826%293%3A122%3A3165%3C359%3ASATS%3E2.0.CO%3B2-L JSTOR]
* Price, G.R. (1956). Where is the definitive experiment? "Science" 123:17-18. [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0036-8075%2819560106%293%3A123%3A3184%3C17%3AWITDE%3E2.0.CO%3B2-P JSTOR]
* Price, G.R. (1970). Selection and covariance. "Nature" 227:520-521. [http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/W.Langdon/ftp/papers/price_nature.pdf PDF]
* Price, G.R. (1971). Extension of the Hardy--Weinberg law to assortative mating. "Annals of Human Genetics " 34:455-458
* Price, G.R. (1972a). Extension of covariance selection mathematics. "Annals of Human Genetics " 35:485-490.
* Price, G.R. and C.A.B. Smith (1972b) Fisher'sMalthusian parameter and reproductive value. "Annals of Human Genetics " 36:1-7
* Price, G.R. (1972c). Fisher's "fundamental theorem" made clear. "Annals of Human Genetics " 36:129-140.
* Maynard Smith, J. and G.R. Price. (1973). The logic of animal conflict. "Nature" 246:15-18.
* Price, G.R. (1995). The nature of selection. "Journal of Theoretical Biology " 175:389-396 (written circa 1971)References
* Frank, S.A. (1995) George Price's contributions to Evolutionary Genetics. "Journal of Theoretical Biology" 175:373-388 [http://stevefrank.org/abstracts/95JTB-Price.html abstract] - [http://stevefrank.org/reprints-pdf/95JTB-Price.pdf full text, pdf 412 KB] (both from http://www.stevefrank.org)
* Frank, S. A. The Price Equation, Fisher's fundamental theorem, kin selection, and causal analysis. "Evolution" 51:1712-1729 [http://stevefrank.org/reprints-choice/97Evol-Causal-R.html download pdf file]
* Frank, S.A. (2002) Price, George. In: M. Pagel (ed) "Encyclopedia of Evolution " pp930-1 [http://stevefrank.org/reprints-pdf/02Price.pdf pdf file]
* Hamilton, W.D. (1964). The evolution of social behaviour I and II. "Journal of Theoretical Biology " 7: 1-16 and 17-52. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?holding=npg&cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=5875341&dopt=Abstract pubmed I] and [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=5875340 II]
* Hamilton, W.D. (1996). "Narrow Roads of Gene Land" vol 1. esp ch5 and ch9. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0-7167-4530-5
* Schwartz, J. (2000) Death of an Altruist: Was the man who found the selfless gene too good for this world?. "Lingua Franca" 10.5: 51-61 [http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/bio/ento/PDFs/schwartz2000.pdf (192 KB pdf file)]
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