Return to Labyrinth

Return to Labyrinth

Infobox original English manga
name = Return to Labyrinth

imagesize = 200
caption = Cover, "Return to Labyrinth" volume 1, artist Kouyu Surei
genre =
Fantasy = y
author = Jake Forbes
illustrator = Chris Lie, Kouyu Surei (cover art)
publisher = flagicon|USA Tokyopop
publisher_other =
demographic =
magazine =
first = 2006
last = ongoing
volumes = 2
chapter_list =
related =
subcat = Tokyopop

"Return to Labyrinth" is an OEL manga based on the Jim Henson fantasy film, "Labyrinth". Jake T. Forbes is credited as the creator, and Chris Lie is the illustrator. The covers for the first two volumes were drawn by Kouyu Shurei. It is published by Tokyopop.

"Return to Labyrinth" is a four-part series starting with Volume 1 that was released in August 2006. Volume 2, titled "Goblin Prince of the Labyrinth", and was released in October, 2007. Originally planned as a three-part series, it was announced at the end of the second volume that the story would be expanded to four volumes. Volume 3 will be released in December, 2008 [ [ BREAKING NEWS: “Tales of the Labyrinth” Anthology Coming Soon! [Updated ] ] . The story takes place about thirteen years after the events of "Labyrinth" and centers around Toby, who by this time has grown up into a teenager.


Volume 1

It has been over a decade after the events of "Labyrinth", wherein Sarah defeated the Goblin King and rescued her baby half-brother, Toby. Jareth the Goblin King had promised not to bother Sarah again, but made no such promise about Toby. We see that he was watched as Toby grows up into a teenager, secretly giving him everything he desired regardless of its attainability or scale. Through the years, Toby noticed the strange way by which all his wishes came true, but never understood the reason behind it. He has no memory of the time that he was kidnapped by goblins and no idea of what Sarah did for him years before. Sarah herself has become a teacher.

Jareth has been watching Toby because he still intends for Toby to become his heir to the throne of his kingdom. Time for choosing an heir is drawing near and other individuals are eyeing the throne, including a mysterious queen and the mayor of Goblin City. Jareth eventually lures Toby back to the Labyrinth where he meets various creatures, including those that his sister encountered during her own adventure.

Volume 2

Immediately following Volume 1, Jareth names Toby his heir and then disappears. Mizumi, the Queen of Moraine, and her two daughters decide to stay with Toby in the Goblin Castle "to help him out". After a brief scuffle in the "History of Toby" museum, Toby embraces his destiny as the new leader of the goblins and begins training for the role. Mizumi volunteers to teach Toby magic, gifting him with a small vial of magical water from Moraine. During their lessons Mizumi reveals her past romantic history with Jareth and his subsequent building of the Labyrinth "to keep everyone, including [Mizumi] out".

A flashback shows Jareth after Sarah's retrieval of Toby. He appears frustrated and unsettled, and the goblins, who believe that he is losing his powers, prepare to revolt. Jareth visits Mizumi in Moraine, where he requests that she prepare an ablation for him. When Mizumi asks what he offers in return, he says that he's not there to make an exchange, but a bet. If Jareth wins, he keeps the ablation, but if he loses then "the goblin kingdom and its king are [Mizumi's] " to do with as she pleases. Mizumi agrees and gives Jareth thirteen years to complete the wager, but exactly what the wager entails is not revealed to the reader.

Toby's studies get in the way of his quest to find Hana's wings; in anger Hana begins searching for them on her own. With the aid of Moppet, Hana discovers a locked door in a far tower of the Goblin Castle. After breaking in, they discover a room closely resembling the bedroom that Sarah had had as a teenager, though it also features a closet full of elaborate clothes and a dungeon-caliber lock on the door. At this point, Moppet begins to feel uncomfortable because of recognizing the music playing from the music box ("As the World Falls Down") and having a vision of Jareth demanding her love. Drumlin, Mizumi's daughter, locks them in the room and starts destroying it.

During this time, Mizumi takes Toby to the Ministry of Prophecies where they select a prophecy for Toby. Toby only hears part of the prophecy, leaving out a dangerous omen of things to come. When Toby and Mizumi return to the castle, Toby sees Moppet falling. Desperate to save her, he magically extends his arms to catch her, but in the process of saving her life knocks her mask off to reveal her true face. Toby instantly recognizes her as a younger version of his sister, Sarah, but having pale hair and different coloring.

Elsewhere, two goblins discuss a plot against someone of importance. The scene then cuts to one of Sarah, who is grading papers when she hears a knock on the door. When she opens it, it reveals Jareth standing before her.


Jareth, The Goblin King :The King of the Labyrinth, a vast kingdom within a realm known as the Underground. According to the manga, Jareth has ruled the Labyrinth for 1300 years. Though he appears human, he has several inhuman abilities including the ability to form crystal orbs with which he can create illusions of all types or view things from a distance. He is also capable of physical transformations, such as changing into a barn owl or guidance counselor. He does not appeared to have aged between the film and the manga. It is revealed that Jareth has been watching Toby grow up through the years and granting his wishes, supposedly in order to prepare Toby into becoming his heir.

:In Volume 2, more of the history of the Labyrinth is revealed. Part of Jareth's personal history is revealed as well: at one time or another Jareth had a relationship with Mizumi, Queen of Moraine. What exactly their relationship was is left open to interpretation, but it appears to have been a romantic one (Mizumi claims to have loved Jareth), though Jareth seems to have broken such bonds. Mizumi claims that creation of the Labyrinth was an externalization of Jareth's powers and desire to isolate himself; however, in allowing one person, presumably Sarah, to enter the Labyrinth and in being defeated by that person, his power began to wane. Volume 2 also further explores Jareth's intentions and feelings towards Sarah, long speculated upon by fans of the film. The manga shows Jareth fixated on Sarah, genuinely frustrated by her refusal of his offer to stay in the Labyrinth. One passage can be interpreted to mean that Jareth had intended to make her his queen.

:There is some question as to whether Jareth is free to leave the Labyrinth. On one hand, Toby is warned that, as the Goblin King, he may not leave the Labyrinth unless he is summoned. Jareth's appearances to Toby and Sarah might be explained by their wishes for outside help. His only completely uninvited visit to the ordinary world takes place after his abdication. On the other, Jareth is shown visiting Mizumi in Moraine while he is still Goblin King.

Toby Williams :The baby that Jareth kidnapped after he was wished away by his half-sister, Sarah. In the film it was hinted that Jareth became fond of Toby. In the manga, Toby has grown up into a high school student who displays characteristics similar to those shown by his half-sister in the film, such as a love of theater and fantasy. He has no memories of his previous time in the Labyrinth nor of Sarah rescuing him. In Volume 1 of the manga, he returns to the Labyrinth after a goblin steals his homework and he ends up in a ballroom in the castle beyond the Goblin City, where Jareth declares that he is to become the new king of the goblin kingdom, effective immediately. Toby spends most of the second volume coming to terms with his inheritance of the Labyrinth and becoming its king, which he has decided to view as a learning experience.

Moppet :A polite and passive girl who resides in the Goblin City as a servant to the Goblin Mayor. She wears a goblin mask to hide her face. She dances with Toby in the ballroom before Jareth's declaration. In Volume 2, it is revealed that she had been found by one of the trash ladies and then given to Spittledrum as payment for her taxes. Moppet appears to have no memory of anything that had happened to her before this. When Moppet's goblin mask is removed, Toby instantly recognizes her as looking like Sarah, though her connection to Toby's sister remains unexplained. Moppet is shown to have a crush on Candelwic, a tough goblin guardsman, but she seems to be too shy to say anything.

Hana :A pixie whose wings were plucked by goblins as punishment for minor theft. She has a fierce temper and is easily agitated. She befriends Toby during his journey into the Labyrinth and he promises to help her find her wings. When Toby's studies prevent him from helping her search for her wings, she become agitated with him and goes off with Moppet to find them on her own.

Stank:Hana's friend and steed. Stank looks like a smaller version of Ludo with a round body, thick fur and two short, twisting horns. Like Ludo, he can make rocks and bricks move by calling out to them. Like Ludo, he speaks only in short one- or two-word phrases. Although good-natured, Stank has a number of not-so-hygienic habits.

Spittledrum :The somewhat incompetent Goblin Mayor. He has served Jareth for a long time, and seems to think highly of himself as each time he comes to believe that Jareth will retire from being Goblin King, Spittledrum prepares a speech to accept becoming Jareth's successor. When Toby is named the heir to the Labyrinth, Spittledrum is initially upset but later looks after Toby.

Mizumi :The Queen of Moraine, a land known for its beauty and dangerous waters. Known also as the Queen of Cups, Mizumi is a powerful magician and an icy beauty who was once very close to Jareth. Soon after Jareth is defeated by Sarah, he approaches Mizumi to present a wager offering "the goblin kingdom and its king" if she wins in exchange for creating an ablation for him. As of Volume II, the terms of the wager itself are unrevealed.

:Her motives for helping Toby are unknown, though it appears that she seeks to take control of Labyrinth through him. To do so, she tutors Toby in magic, alternately believing he is inept but has tremendous potential, in hopes of finding the Pathmaker, who controls the Labyrinth's shifts and changes. She has two daughters, Moulin and Drumlin, and a mechanical bodyguard. Drumlin :One of Mizumi's daughters. She is very obese as a result of her ability to drink anything and suck the moisture out anything she touches.

Moulin :Mizumi's other daughter. She carries a rain cloud, having the power to control water, and an umbrella to keep herself dry. She is also a skilled fencer, sparring with Sir Didymus in a demonstration during Toby's physical education lesson. At the goblin ball, she preferred dancing with Moppet to dancing with Toby.

Sarah Williams:The protagonist of the film. In the manga, she is a supporting character, living a subdued life as a teacher and sharing a close relationship with her half-brother, Toby. However, a stylized, younger version of Sarah appears frequently in flashbacks and in scenes of Jareth's imagination. Mizumi briefly takes this form while mocking Jareth about his apparent loss of power. Volume 2 closes with Sarah opening her door to find that Jareth has come to see her.

The Pathmaker:Because the Labyrinth is alive, making it more than a maze of stone, its heart and mind are embodied as an entity known as the Pathmaker. Opening the door to the Pathmaker's lair will allow anyone to command the Labyrinth. The Pathmaker was created by Jareth himself, and it controls everything that the Labyrinth does. Once Jareth retired from being king, he lost his direct power over the Pathmaker. Mizumi now seeks the Pathmaker through Toby in hopes of taking control of the Labyrinth.

Skub :The small goblin that stole Toby's homework and eventually led him into the Labyrinth. Apparently he was kicked out of the army goblin's recruitment. He has become the King's/Prince's royal chef.

Dingle :The little imp that rings Moppet's alarm clock.

The Brick Layer :A spider-like goblin that builds the outer brick walls of the Labyrinth. He believes that one must always choose a side. He able to see all the sides of every wall and can transport a person to the opposite side if asked properly.

Hoggle:A cowardly dwarf-goblin that once worked for Jareth but became loyal to Sarah in the film. At that time, Jareth had threatened Hoggle to turn him Prince of the Bog of Eternal Stench if Sarah ever kissed him. In the manga, it is shown that Jareth has followed through, and Hoggle claims to resent Sarah for this development.

Sir Didymus :A small dog-fox goblin first seen in the film. He has a loyal canine "steed" named Ambrosious. In the manga he is seen sending invitations for Jareth's ball. He also becomes Toby's physical education teacher. He is on friendly terms with Moppet.

Professors Maelgrot, Nymblie, Glosspan, Glokensteal, and Jodhspur :Toby's teachers in how to become Goblin King. Maelgrot is an artistic goblin whom has made the "Museum of Toby," of which he is the founder as well as the collector of Toby's old junk, including Lancelot. Nymblie is Toby's drama teacher and fashion advisor. Glockensteal is Toby's economics teacher, money grubber. For goblins, "economics" seems to be mostly about the art of hoarding and swindling. Toby's philosophy teacher is a noted philosopher, Glosspan, while Jodhspur is Toby's jousting teacher.

Ludo :An orange yeti who was being tormented by goblins until Sarah rescued him in the film. He makes a cameo in Volume 1 of the manga.

The Blue Worm :A small blue worm who wears a red scarf and lives in the brick wall of the first passage of the Labyrinth. He had encountered Sarah in her journey in "Labyrinth", and here he briefly encounters Toby. His wife is The Missus, who was never seen in the film but seen briefly in the manga.

The Flegworts:An elderly goblin couple. They own a shop where they sell shoes to their fellow goblins as food.

Irene Williams:Toby's mother, who in the manga is shown as very stern with her son. This may justify Sarah's dislike of her. Irene and Toby have a very cold relationship as a result, while Sarah and Toby are shown as very close.

Mr. Morrisey :Toby's high school math teacher. He believes Toby is cheating on his test, though this is really the result of Jareth's intervention. He sends Toby to the guidance counselor, who turns out to be Jareth in disguise.


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