Alois Glück

Alois Glück

Alois Glück [IPA|ˈɑloʏs ˈglʏk] (born January 24 1940 in Hörzing in the district of Traunstein) is a German politician of the CSU in Bavaria.

After a journalistic career the skilled agriculturist was elected for the CSU in the Landtag of Bavaria in 1970. In 1986 Franz Josef Strauß appointed him as a permanent secretary in the Bavarian State Ministry for State Development and Environmental Questions, since 1988 he led the CSU Landtag fraction and from 1994 to 2007 the CSU district association Upper Bavaria. In 2003 he was selected to the Landtagspräsident (President of the Landtag).

Since July 1999 Glück is additionally the chairman of the CSU principle commission. As such he operatively contributed to the development of strategic CSU position documents like "Aktive Bürgergesellschaft" (Active Commoners Society) and "Soziale Marktwirtschaft für das 21. Jahrhundert" (Social Market Economy for the 21st Century).

Apart from his political career Glück has accepted many honorary posts. Since 1983 he is a member of the "Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken" (Central Committee of German Catholics), the chairman of the "Bergwacht Bayern" (Mountain rescue Bavaria), of the charity association Caritas Children's Village Irschenberg, and of the "Freundeskreis Abtei Frauenwörth" (Circle of Friends Frauenwörth Abbey) on Frauenchiemsee as well as the vice chairman of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.

Furthermore, he is a board of trustees member of the society "ProChrist" which is the organizer of large evangelisation events and associated with the YMCA.

External links

* [ – Official website of Alois Glück] (German)

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