- Axial skeleton
The axial skeleton consists of the 80 bones in the head and trunk of the human body. It is composed of five parts; the
human skull , theossicles of the inner ear, thehyoid bone of the throat, thechest , and thevertebral column . The axial skeleton and theappendicular skeleton together form the completeskeleton .Overview
Protective or flat
bone s house thebrain ,spinal cord , and othervital organ s. The purpose of the axial skeleton is to protect the body's most vital organs. Allvertebrates have an axial skeleton. This article mainly deals with the axial skeletons of humans; however, it is important to understand the evolutionary lineage of the axial skeleton. The axial skeleton has 80 bones in it.Skull
Skull (22)
* Cranial Bones (8)
** Parietal (2)
** Temporal (2)
** Frontal (1)
** Occipital (1)
** Ethmoid (1)
** Sphenoid (1)* Facial Bones (14)illa (2)
** Zygomatic (2)
** Mandible (1)
** Nasal (2)
** Palatine (2)
** Inferior nasal concha (2)
** Lacrimal (2)
** Vomer (1)Auditory Ossicles
Ossicles (6)
* Malleus (2)
* Incus (2)
* Stapes (2)Hyoid bone
Hyoid bone (1)U-shape bone located in the neck. It anchors the tongue and is associated with swallowing.
Vertebral column
Vertebral Column (33)
* Cervical vertebrae (7)
* Thoracic vertebrae (12)
* Lumbar vertebrae (5)
* Sacrum (5) (fused)
* Coccyx (4) (fused, varies between 3-5)Chest
Thoracic cage (25)
* Sternum (1)
* Ribs (24)External links
* [http://www.botany.uwc.ac.za/sci_ed/grade10/manphys/axial.htm botany.uwc.ac.za]
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