Emil Brix

Emil Brix

Emil Brix (b. 1956 in Vienna) is an Austrian diplomat and historian.

He studied English and History at the University of Vienna. Since 1982, he worked for the Foreign Service of the Republic Austria.

From 1984 till 1986 he was a secretary of the Austrian people's party (ÖVP) and from 1986 till 1989 he worked in the office of the Federal Minister for science and research Erhard Busek.

From 1990 till 1995 he was general consul in Kraków and from 1995 till 1999 he was manager of the Austrian Institute for culture in London. At the moment he is Director/conductor of the politico-cultural section of the Foreign office.

List of publications

*Emil Brix / Lisa Fischer, Die Frauen der Wiener Moderne (translated as: Women of the Vienna modern spirit). 1994 ISBN 3-486-56290-8
*Urs Altermatt / Emil Brix, Schweiz und Österreich. Eine Nachbarschaft in Mitteleuropa (translated as: Switzerland and Austria. A Neighbourship in Central Europe). 1996
*Emil Brix / Wolfgang Mantl, Liberalismus. Grundlagen und Perspektiven (translated as: Liberalism. Basics and perspectives). 1996
*Emil Brix/ Ernst Bruckmüller / Hannes Stekl, Memoria Austriae 1 Menschen - Mythen – Zeiten (Memoria Austriae 1 Human – myth – times). 2004 ISBN 3-486-56838-8

External links

* [http://www.hrb.at/bzt/doc/zgt/b12/emilbrix.htm CV]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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