Sean Potts

Sean Potts

Sean Potts is an Irish musician. He was a native of Drimnagh (suburb in South Dublin) and was born there in 1930. He is best known for his outstanding tin whistle playing and his duty with The Chieftains from 1962 to 1979.

With The Chieftains

Sean Potts was a one of the founding members of The Chieftains. He was great friends with fellow band member and whistle player Paddy Moloney, and they often went around Dublin playing in sessions and gigging during the 1950s. In 1962, Potts helped form The Chieftains. He briefly left the group in 1968 for a contract with Gael-Linn Records but returned to play for the band soon after. He was primarily a whistle player, although he also played the bodhrán and bones. He played with the band until 1979, when the pressures of the music scene (and touring) prompted him to leave the band for an easier life.

Other bands

Before The Chieftains, Sean Potts was an original member of Sean O'Riada's group "Ceoltoiri Cualann". After The Chieftains, Potts did a lot of radio work for RTE and founded Bakerswell. In 1972, while still with The Chieftains, Potts and Paddy Moloney, along with Peader Mercier (another Chieftains member) recorded an album called "Tin Whistles" where both Potts and Moloney played just tin whistle tunes accompanied by a bodhrán to show the versatility of the instrument in the hands of two accomplished masters.


Sean Potts has retired from the traditional scene, but he can still be found playing at traditional festivals around the country and occasionally abroad. He is also the former Chairman (now Honorary President) of Na Piobairi Uileann in Dublin. [ [ Na Piobairi Uilleann - Patrons ] ]

Other instruments

Potts also played the bodhrán and bones, and attempted to learn the uilleann pipes. However, he admitted that he never felt quite comfortable with the instrument and, after a few years at the pipes, he gave up and went back to the whistle.


Sean Potts' family was surrounded with the music from his grand father John Potts an accomplished uillean piper to his uncle Tommy Potts, who was one of Ireland's most distinctive fiddlers, and Eddie Potts, who was both a piper and a fiddler and jazz musician playing saxophone in many of Dublin's music venues. Sean's aunt Teresa was also an accomplished musician playing accordion and piano on the music circuit in the 50's, his aunt Mary (Sister Kevin presentation order) was a teacher of music in the convent school in Dingle Co. Kerry. His cousin Patrick is choirmaster of St.Pauls Church Clontarf. The next generation of the Potts family, Sean Og, is already an established traditional musician on the uilleann pipes. Sean Og played in Bakerswell with his father and also in the Donal Lunny Band. He has also released a solo album and has toured extensively with many other players and groups doing concerts and workshops at music festivals.


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