Toyotomi Kunimatsu

Toyotomi Kunimatsu

nihongo|Toyotomi Kunimatsu|豊臣国松 (1608-June 19, 1615) a member of the Japanese clan of Toyotomi following the Edo period of the 17th century. Kunimatsu was famed for being the son of Toyotomi Hideyori (son of the famous Toyotomi Hideyoshi). Following the year of 1615 during the Siege of Osaka, Hideyori ended up having his castle taken by that of Tokugawa Ieyasu, ending in his suicide. Throughout this major event, Kunimatsu (who was merely seven years of age at the time) was captured by Tokugawa forces, later being executed by being beheaded.


*"A History of Japan"
*Perkins, Dorothy (1998). "Samurai of Japan: A Chronology From Their Origin in the Heian Era (794-1185) to the Modern Era." Upland, PA: DIANE Publishing Company.

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