

The Bituriges (Bituriges-Cubi) was a tribe with its capital at Bourges (Avaricum).
Gaul in the 1st century BC, showing the relative positions of the Celtic tribes.] Early in the first century BCE, they had been one of the main tribes, especially in terms of Druids and their political influence. But they soon declined in power as the Druids were an important target for Caesar in his conquest of Gaul. What is more, the fact that Avaricum was the only Celtic City that Vercingetorix, for once not following his scorched earth strategy, was not to burn in front of Caesar's legions is another proof of the political importance of the Bituriges.Eventually the town was to be burried by the roman legions.

Argentomagus (near today's Argenton-sur-Creuse) was another oppidum of theirs. This is one of several tribes which seem to have split, the Bituriges-Cubi lived near Bourges/Berry, the Bituriges-Vivisci near Burdigala (Bordeaux).

The name seems to mean "kings of the world". [citation|title=The Conquest of Gaul By Julius Caesar|authors= Stanley Alexander Handford, Jane F. Gardner|year=1983|publisher=Penguin Classics|id=ISBN 0140444335|url=]

The motto of this antic people was "SUMMA IMPERII PENES BITURIGES".(Tite-Live, (V, XXXIV), meaning: all the power in the hands of the Bituriges)

ee also

* List of peoples of Gaul
* Saint-Benoît-du-Sault


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