Alfred Nobel u. Co — Dynamit Nobel AG Unternehmensform Aktiengesellschaft, ehemalige Gründung 21. Juni 1865 Unternehmenssitz … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lawrence Kohlberg — (October 25, 1927 – January 19, 1987) was an American psychologist born in Bronxville, New York, who served as a professor at the University of Chicago as well as Harvard University. Famous for research in moral education, reasoning, and… … Wikipedia
Owen Lattimore — (July 29, 1900 – May 31, 1989) was an American author, educator, and influential scholar of Central Asia, especially Mongolia. In the 1930s he was editor of Pacific Affairs, a journal published by the Institute of Pacific Relations, and then… … Wikipedia
Institute of Pacific Relations — The Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) was an international organization established in 1925 to provide a forum for discussion of problems and relations between nations of the Pacific Rim. IPR was governed by the Pacific Council, with National… … Wikipedia
Frederick Vanderbilt Field — (April 13, 1905 ndash; February 1, 2000) was a great great grandson of railroad tycoon Cornelius Commodore Vanderbilt who became a specialist on Asia, worked for the Institute of Pacific Relations, and supported so many openly Communist… … Wikipedia
William Guy Carr — William James Guy Carr (R.D.[1] Commander R.C.N. (R)) (June 2, 1895 October 2, 1959) was a Canadian naval officer and an author. Though his accounts of wartime naval experiences found a general audience, he is best remembered today as a… … Wikipedia
China lobby — Organized support for the Chinese nationalists began following the nationalist revolution of 1925 1928. Subsequently, these elements called for a firm U.S. response to Japanese aggression against China from 1931 onward. The Price Committee,… … Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era
Liste der Biografien/Koe–Koj — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Deutsch Wikipedia
Liste der Suizidenten — Diese Liste sammelt in der Wikipedia mit einem Artikel vertretene Personen, die ihr Leben durch Selbsttötung (Suizid) beendeten. Die Liste ist aufsteigend nach dem Jahr des Todes geordnet, innerhalb desselben Jahres alphabetisch.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
17. Jänner — Der 17. Januar (in Österreich und Südtirol: 17. Jänner) ist der 17. Tag des Gregorianischen Kalenders, somit bleiben 348 Tage (in Schaltjahren 349 Tage) bis zum Jahresende. Historische Jahrestage Dezember · Januar · Februar … Deutsch Wikipedia