Candomblé Jejé

Candomblé Jejé

Candomblé Jeje is the Candomblé cult that the Voduns of Kingdom of Dahomey brought to the Brazil by enslaved Africans in various regions of West Africa and Central Africa. These gods are the rich, complex and high Fon mythology. The various ethnic groups as Fon, Ewe, Fante, Ashanti, mine to come in Brazil, were called "djedje", deployed here in your worship Salvador, Cachoeira and São Félix in Bahia , and São Luís of Maranhao, then spread itself to several Brazilian states.

Candomblé Jejé is one of the major branches ("nations") of Candomblé, an Afro-American religion. It developed mainly among slaves of the Ewe and Fon ethnic groups, from the region of Dahomey (present-day Benin) in Africa. The name is actually a Yoruba word meaning "stranger", which is what those groups represented to them.


Jejé deities are called "Voduns" (sing. "Vodum") in Portuguese spelling. According to tradition, they were introduced into the Kingdom of Dahomey from nearby lands by its founder King Adja-Tado, on the advice of a "bokono" (seer). Their cult was reorganized and uniformized by King Agajah in the 18th century.

Jejé Voduns are sometimes cultuated in houses of other nations by different names. For instance, the Vodum Dan or Bessen is called Oxumarê in Candomblé Ketu, Sakpata is called Omolu, etc. Conversely the Ketu Orishas may be cultuated in Jejé houses, but retain their names.

Voduns are organized into families:

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