Dizi — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dizi … Wikipedia Español
Dizi — bezeichnet ein chinesisches Instrument, siehe Dizi (Instrument) eine äthiopische Sprache, siehe Dizi (Sprache) Dizi ist der Familienname folgender Personen: François Joseph Dizi (1780– ca. 1840), belgischer Harfenvirtuose, Komponist und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dizi — is. 1) Bir iplik veya tel üzerine dizilmiş inci, boncuk vb.nin oluşturduğu bütün, sıra İki dizi inci. 2) Herhangi bir bakımdan bir bütün oluşturan şeylerin tümü, seri İşte bütün eserlerini bir araya toplayacak olan bu dizinin başına yazılacak ön… … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Dizi — Ne doit pas être confondu avec Dizi (République démocratique du Congo). Le dizi (en chinois: 笛子), aussi appelé Zhudi (竹笛), est un instrument de musique traditionnel des Han Chinois, il est une flûte traversière faite en bambou. Facture … Wikipédia en Français
dizi — Musical instrument The di or dizi is the name used today to refer to the Chinese transverse bamboo flute. It has six finger holes and, near the blowhole, an additional hole covered by a thin membrane which vibrates when the instrument is blown,… … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
Dizi (musical instrument) — Dizi Related instruments Dizi Xiao Suling Palendag Quena Tumpong Ney Duduk Kaval Bansuri Venu … Wikipedia
Dizi (Sprache) — Dizi Gesprochen in Äthiopien Sprecher 21.075 (1998) Linguistische Klassifikation Afroasiatisch Omotisch Nordomotisch Dizi Sheko Dizi … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dizi (woreda) — Dizi is one of the 77 woredas in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region of Ethiopia. It is named after the Dizi people, whose homeland lies in the northern part of this district; a different ethnic group, the Surma, inhabit the… … Wikipedia
Dizi (langue) — Dizi Dizi nuug Parlée en Ethiopie !Éthiopie Région Sud Ouest Nombre de locuteurs 21 100 (en 1994) … Wikipédia en Français
Dizi people — Dizi (also known as the Maji) is the name of an ethnic group living in southern Ethiopia. They share a number of somatic similarities with certain culturally (but not always linguistically) related peoples of south western Ethiopia, which include … Wikipedia