CAS can mean:


* Classic Arts Showcase, a 24-hour noncommercial satellite channel broadcasting a mix of various classic arts.


* Course Applicability System, an online tool for transfer students and advisors with over 200 participating higher education institutions nation-wide.


* Chinese Academy of Sciences
* California Academy of Sciences
* Casualty Actuarial Society
* Court of Arbitration for Sport
* Combined Associated Schools, an association of private schools in Sydney
* Swiss Alpine Club (Club Alpin Suisse, Club Alpino Svizzero)
* College of Arts and Sciences at University of the Philippines, Los Baños


* Central Authentication Service, a single sign-on protocol
* [ Common Authorization Service] , "an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborated authenticating and authorizing systems"
* Code Access Security in the Microsoft .NET framework
* Compare-and-swap, a special CPU instruction
* Computer algebra system
* Cybercafé Administration Server, a software tool
* Conditional access system
* Console server, also known as Console Access Server
* Channel Associated Signaling, a type of communication signaling common for digital PBX
* CAS latency (column address strobe latency or column address select latency), a latency in reading computer memory
* Content-addressable storage, a data storage mechanism
* Cycle Accurate Simulator
* Consumer alert system, a spyware/adware program
* Conditional Access System, Conditional Access System
* Content Analysis Services, Vignette Content Software Report Tool


* Cognitive Assessment System (CAS)
* Complete active space, in quantum chemistry, a type of classification for the molecular orbitals
* Complex adaptive system
* Computer algebra system
* Calcium sulfide, a chemical compound
* Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society which produces bibliographic and chemistry databases:* CAS registry number, unique numerical identifiers for chemical substances
* Cassiopeia (constellation), standard astronomical abbreviation


* Computer assisted surgery


* Chief of the Air Staff, in some Commonwealth nations, the professional head of the air force
* Close air support
* Combat Armor Suit, also known as powered armor
* Cost Accounting Standards, accounting requirements for larger defense and government contractors (United States)


* Children's Aid Society
* Calibrated airspeed, the airspeed shown by an airspeed indicator
* Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
* Certificate of Advanced Study
* Cowboy action shooting
* Creativity, Action, Service, the community service aspect of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
* Civil Aid Service, a Hong Kong Civil Aid agency
* Changing Armour System, used by the Liger Zero and Berserk Führer, fictional mecha from the Zoids universe
* Cloud Appreciation Society
* Crank Angle Sensor
* Cam Angle Sensor
* CAS is the ICAO airline designator for Christman Air System, United States
* Create-a-Superstar, a creation mode found in wrestling games that most often goes by Create-a-wrestler (CAW)

ee also

* Cas

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  • Cas — Pour les articles homonymes, voir CAS. En grammaire, le cas est au sens large un trait grammatical principalement associé au nom, au pronom et à l adjectif, et exprimant la fonction syntaxique de celui ci dans la proposition, ou son rôle… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • caş — CAŞ, (1) caşuri, s.n. (caşi, s.m.) 1. Produs alimentar preparat din lapte închegat şi stors de zer. 2. Substanţă lipicioasă care se formează în colţurile ciocului la puii de păsări. ♢ expr. (ir.) E cu caş(ul) la gură sau Încă nu i a picat caşul… …   Dicționar Român

  • Cas — may mean:* The abbreviation for the town of Castleford, West Yorkshire, UK * CaS, the chemical formula of Calcium sulfide * the standard astronomical abbreviation of Cassiopeia (constellation) * Caş, a type of cheese made in Romania. * Cas… …   Wikipedia

  • Caş — (IPA2|kaʃ) is a type of cheese made in Romania. It is made up by adding rennet to the fresh milk and after it coagulates the curd is crushed and then gathered and hanged in a textile material to allow the whey to drain. The cheese thus obtained… …   Wikipedia

  • CAS — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda CAS es el acrónimo correspondiente a: Ciencia y tecnología: Computer algebra system (Sistema algebraico computacional, en español), un programa informático capaz de manipular expresiones matemáticas de manera… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • cas´u|al|ly — cas|u|al «KAZH u uhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. happening by chance; not planned or expected; accidental: »Our long friendship began with a casual meeting at a party. 2. without plan or method; careless: »a casual answer. I didn t read the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cas|u|al — «KAZH u uhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. happening by chance; not planned or expected; accidental: »Our long friendship began with a casual meeting at a party. 2. without plan or method; careless: »a casual answer. I didn t read the newspaper but… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cas — en tout cas encas …   Dictionnaire des rimes

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