Ministry of Labor, Family, and Social Solidarity (Romania)

Ministry of Labor, Family, and Social Solidarity (Romania)

Infobox Romanian minister office
post = Labour, Family, and Equal Opportunities
insignia =
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incumbent = Mariana Câmpeanu
since = 25 September 2008
first =
formation =
website = []

The Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family of Romania ( _ro. Ministerul Muncii, Solidaritǎţii Sociale şi Familiei) is one of the fifteen ministries of the Government of Romania.

The current Minister is Paul Păcuraru, member of the National Liberal Party.


The following institutions are under the authority of the Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family:
* National House of Pensions and Other Social Insurance Rights (Casa Naţională de Pensii şi alte Drepturi de Asigurări Sociale) []
* National Agency for Employment (Agenţia Naţională pentru Ocuparea Forţei de Muncă) []

The following institutions are subordinated to the Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family:
* National Authority for Disabled Persons ("Autoritatea Naţională pentru Persoanele cu Handicap") []
* National Authority for the Protection of Childrens Rights ("Autoritatea Naţională pentru Protecţia Drepturilor Copilului") []
* National Agency for Family Protection ("Agenţia Naţională pentru Protecţia Familiei") []
* National Agency for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men ("Agenţia Naţională pentru Egalitatea de Şanse între Femei şi Bărbaţi") []
* County Directorates for Work, Social Solidarity and Family ("Direcţii de muncă, solidaritate socială şi familie judeţene şi a municipiului Bucureşti")
* Labour Force Migration Office ("Oficiul pentru Migraţia Forţei de Muncă") []
* Labour Inspection ("Inspecţia Muncii"), including the Territorial Labour Inspectorates ("Inspectoratele Teritoriale de Muncă") []

External links

* []
* []

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