Udre Udre

Udre Udre

Ratu Udre Udre (pronounced|un̠d̠r̠e un̠d̠r̠e) was a Fijian chief reputed to be the world's most prolific cannibal. During the 19th century, Ratu Udre Udre reportedly ate over 99 people. He kept a stone for each body he ate, which were placed alongside his tomb in Rakiraki, in northern Viti Levu. According to Udre Udre's son, the chief would eat every part of his victims, preserving what he couldn't eat in one sitting for consumption later.

External links

* [http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/content_pages/record.asp?recordid=54265 Guinness World Record (dead link)]

While it is believed that Udre Udre ate over 9000 people, this would have been impossible considering the time it would have taken per person. Actual estimates from the count of grave stones near his grave in Suva place the count near 872.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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