

"For the first book of the Bible, see Book of Genesis."

"-genesis", from Greek "γεννισις", "origin, creation, generation", is a suffix that denotes creation. Related to genos, meaning "race, birth, descent" and genus which shows a relation from the same origin.


*abiogenesis refers to the theory of a chemical origin of life

*aerogenesis refers to the formation of gas

*angiogenesis refers to the formation of new blood vessels

*anthropogenesis refers to the origin and development of humanity

*baryogenesis refers to the generic designation for the hypothetical physical processes that generated an asymmetry between baryons and anti-baryons in the very early universe.:see also Quantum field theory, Cosmology and Statistical physics

* biogenesis refers to:
** the theory that only a living organism can produce another living organism
** the creation of living organisms from other living organisms
** the supposed recurrence of a species' evolutionary stages during embryonic development, see palingenesis and recapitulation theory:see also biosynthesis and origin of life

*caenogenesis is the introduction of characters or structure not present during the organism's species' evolution during the embryonic stage, as opposed to palingenesis

*cariogenesis refers to the production of dental caries

*chromogenesis refers to the production of coloring matter or pigment

*cosmogenesis refers to the origin and development of the cosmos

*gamogenesis refers to the act of process of sexual reproduction

*gynogenesis is when an egg is activated by a sperm without the fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei

*karyogenesis refers to the formation of the nucles of a cell

*ketogenesis refers to the production of ketone bodies as occurs in diabetes

*merogenesis refers to reproduction by segmentation

*morphogenesis refers to the differentiation and growth of the structure of an organism (or a part of an organism)

*oogenesis the formation of human egg cells

*orthogenesis refers to the outdated theory that life has a driving force towards better survival skills. :see also evolution and Lamarckism

*palingenesis refers to the recurrence of a species' evolutionary stages during embryonic development

* parthenogenesis refers to a form of asexual reproduction whereby an unfertilised egg develops into a new individual

*progenesis refers to the attainment of sexual maturity in its larval state

*spermatogenesis is the process by which stem cells develop into mature spermatozoon (sperm)

*symbiogenesis refers to the merging of two separate organisms to form a single new organism

* synaptogenesis refers to the creation of new synapses

*teratogenesis refers to congenital malformations

*thermogenesis is the process of heat production.

*ureagenesis refers to the formation of urea, especially the metabolism of amino acids to urea. Also called ureapoiesis.

*virogenesis refers to the production or formation of a virus

*zygogenesis refers to forms of reproduction involving the formation of a zygote

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