- Halliggye Fogou
Halliggye Fogou is one of many
Fogou inCornwall ,England , UK. Located in Trelowarren estate, nearHelston , it consists of a long narrow tunnel leading to three sectioned chambers, and an original window-like entrance (which has recently been filled in). It is one of the finest examples of a Fogou in the UK. It was excavated in 1982 [ [http://www.themodernantiquarian.com/post/20763/news/higher_boden_fogou.html The Modern Antiquarian.com | Higher Boden Fogou | News by phil ] ] after routine ploughing of the then field, when the blade of the plough breached the roof of the main chamber. This hole has since been turned into an entrance stairway for visitors.In 1999 there was some controversy regarding this site and others under the care of the
English Heritage organisation. Members of a pressure group, the Revived Cornish Stannary Parliament, confiscated several signs bearing the English Heritage name. [ [http://www.cornishstannaryparliament.co.uk/heritage-signs.html Cornish Stannary Parliament tackles English cultural aggression in Cornwall.] ] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/1768853.stm BBC News: Historic signs case trio bound over] ] [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,636016,00.html How three Cornish men and a raid on King Arthur's castle rocked English Heritage] ]ee also
Petrosomatoglyph SymbolismReferences
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