- Basionym
Basionym (or "base-name") is a taxonomic term used in
botany to refer to a previously valid binomial name of a species that has since been renamed and from which the new name is partially derived.The basionym of "
Picea abies " (the Norway Spruce), for example, is "Pinus abies". Although the species was originally called "Pinus abies" byCarolus Linnaeus , botanist Karsten later transferred it to the genusPicea .The term "basionym" is defined by the
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature as a "name-bringing or epithet-bringing synonym".Citation
author=International Association for Plant Taxonomy
year =2006
title =Appendix VII, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code)
isbn =0080-0694
url =http://ibot.sav.sk/icbn/no%20frames/0120AppendixVII.htm
accessdate =2008-07-28 "basionym". A previously published legitimate name-bringing or epithet-bringing synonym from which a new name is formed for a taxon of different rank or position (Art. 33.4, 49.1 and 52.3)"] Consequently, for an earlier name to be described as a basionym the new name must retain some part of the earlier name, although not necessarily in its entirety. For example the gender may change as with "Acrocarpia paniculata", the basionym of which is "Fucus paniculatus". Where an entirely new name ("nomen novum ") is created the term "basionym" is not used.Most commonly, a species will be renamed because it is discovered to be either more or less closely related to another species than was previously realized. As the first part of a binomial name is the genus, if the genus changes then the binomial name also needs to change. The second part of the species name, known as the "epithet", is specific to the species however and can therefore be retained.
Bacteriology uses a similar term, basonym, spelled without an "i",Citation
last =Tindall
first = B. J.
year =1999
title =Misunderstanding the Bacteriological Code
journal =International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
volume =49
pages =1313-1316
url =http://www.bacterio.cict.fr/Tindall.html
accessdate =2008-07-28 ] while the concept is not formally used inzoology .ee also
Biological classification References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.