Fátima Miranda

Fátima Miranda

Fátima Miranda is a Spanish singer and researcher born in Salamanca.

She's a bachelor in History of Art in the specialisation of Modern Art. She has published two books about architecture and urbanism. She was the director of the phonotheque of UCM from 1982 to 1989.

As a singer, her compositions touch several genres like Mongol Song or Indian Dhrupad. She has investigated about human voice and created exclusive voice techniques, classified by tonality and register. Her interest about avant-garde covers also video, minimal music, stage arts and artist-public contact.

She made with Llorenç Barber the group "Taller de Música Mandana" in 1979.

She lives currently in Madrid.


*"Las Voces de la Voz", 1992
*"Concierto en directo", 1994
*"ArteSonado", 2000

External links

* [http://www.fatima-miranda.com/ Website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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