The Open PINO Platform (or just PINO) is an open humanoid robot platform, with its mechanical and software design covered by the GNU Free Documentation License and GNU General Public License respectively.

The external housing design of the PINO is a proprietary registered design, and the term PINO is trademarked.

The intention of PINO's designers appears to be to create a Linux-like open platform for robotics.

A commercial version of PINO is being sold by [ ZMP] a Tokyo-based robotics company. The latest version is Version 3 (scheduled for the end of 2006).

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  • pino — pino, como la copa de un pino expr. grande, enorme. ❙ «Vigile porque puede ser víctima de una estafa como la copa de un pino.» Manuel Giménez, Antología del timo. ❙ «Tuve un orgasmo como la copa de un pino.» C. Pérez Merinero, La mano armada. ❙ « …   Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"

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