Toca da Boa Vista

Toca da Boa Vista

Toca da Boa Vista is the longest known cave in the Southern hemisphere. It is located within the municipality of Campo Formoso in Bahia State, Brazil and had 84 km of mapped passages in 1999. It is now reported ["Long caves of the world", World Cave Database compiled by Eric Madelaine accessed at [] July 27, 2006] to have 102 km of passages, which makes it the 15th longest cave in the world. Continued exploration faces typical temperatures of 30 C.

Toca da Boa Vista is within 2 km of another significant cave Toca da Barriguda, 23 km long, which is Brazil's second longest.


External links

* Auler, A.S. & Smart, P.L. 1999. "Toca da Boa Vista, Bahia state - the longest known cave in the Southern Hemisphere" in: Schobbenhaus, C.; Campos, D.A.; Queiroz, E.T.; Winge, M.; Berbert-Born, M. (Edit.) "Sítios Geológicos e Paleontológicos do Brasil" accessed at [] July 27, 2006 (Abstract in English)
* [ Grupo Bambuí de pesquisas espeleológicas] Project page (in Portuguese)

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